Quote Originally Posted by ROM Spaceknight View Post
Just got the Savage She-Hulk Marvel Masterworks (MMW) #2. Great volume! Paging through this brings back memories, since I had (past tense) most of these floppies back in the day.

I'm amused at the "caliber" (ha ha) of super-villains Shulkie has to fight, i.e. "The Grappler", "Radius", "Man Elephant", etc. These stories are so cheesy I need crackers - ha ha. That being said, I really dig the early '80's vibe, and the art - while not great - really fits the story/characters.

Also like the inclusion of MTIO #88, where SH teams up with The Thing. I had forgotten this issue was included in here - nice "extra".

SSH has been on my list of titles I have wanted reprinted in color for years, so it's great that we finally got this done-in-two.
As I don't want to get into too many characters via MMW, Daredevil is my only one(might do Ghost Rider) at present, I'm holding out that maybe Savage She-Hulk will get an Omni eventually in a few years. It could be a nice $75msrp book at that even.