Quote Originally Posted by Batman#22 View Post
I mean honestly, Jimmy is a scrawny geeky kid and he was casted as a big buff dude. I haven't seen that poorly casted since the recent Fantastic Four movie.
I found the casting of James Olsen to be brilliant, myself. He was the opposite of everything we might expect, from race to physical build to dress to personality. For most characters this wouldn't work, but in this case I loved it. He seemed much more the sort of person Superman would actually become good friends with, and he seems much more like a character that can be built upon in an interesting way. You cast "Jimmy" and you are kind of stuck with a one trick pony. They avoided that pitfall in a very successful way, I think.

I'm not one to be in favor of huge shifts from established characters generally, but this change was for the best.

We didn't get a chance to see any levels to Cat, but I expect they'll come. Flockhart doesn't strike me as likely to take a two-dimensional role.