Jeremiah went out the Pa Kent way of natural causes. At least they established that he had been doing good to kind of redeem him after all the Cadmus stuff.

I forgot about all of Alex's issues of resentment and abandonment after all these seasons. It's not a pretty sight .

I'm starting to wonder if Alex might have a mild drinking problem.

I missed Alex with longer hair.

So can random dragons attack people in VR or is that just part of Alex's "scenario?"

William and Kelly, the team-up of the token love interests !

I wonder how many Supergirls there are floating around in that VR world. I can imagine it being very popular. You can even use the classic look, although now I'm imagining there's a "skirt vs pants" fandom rivalry.

Speaking of dropped season 2 plots, Henshaw! How much water did David Harewood have to gargle to pull off that voice? Although this just reminds me that they never addressed the real Henshaw after season 2, and I kind of doubt they're going to now given Harewood doesn't even like playing him. I would've just used Crisis to retcon in a more comic-accurate Henshaw so we could get a real Cyborg-Superman.

Handcuffs? Where did she pull those out from? I mean, yeah, it's a VR world, but is the Supergirl suit supposed to have pockets? Granted it's a nano-suit so it can probably do anything but I'm honestly curious. Then again, I think Flash has randomly pulled out Meta-Cuffs out of thin air before.

Could Supergirl really do that with her Freeze Breath if she wanted to? Although that would be majorly lethal .

Jeremiah sure had a small funeral. Maybe it was a deliberately more intimate affair, but did no one else care about Jeremiah other then his immediate family, J'onn, and their friends?

This episode sure made good use of fake body doubles with Fake!Psi and Fake!Dean Cain.Which kind of made them getting Helen Slater back all the more noticeable. Although it would've been awesome if she had been in Crisis too.

I had almost completely forgotten about Hope/Eve at this point. I guess Crisis means she didn't end up taking the fall for Lena and going to prison. Are they still writing around the actress' pregnancy?

I'm surprised the NSA was able to unintentionally get close to Leviathan's master plan.
Quote Originally Posted by AnakinFlair View Post
Andrea herself continues to confuse me. I can't tell if she's evil, misguided, or genuinely wanting to do good, but still being a typical CEO where the bottom line is everything.
I think she's misguided but has her heart and intentions in the right place of wanting to use Obsidian to help people or improve people's lives, but she's still a CEO at the end of the day and cares about profits and clicks and whatnot.