Quote Originally Posted by RobinGA View Post
It really could have been a Valentine's Day episode: we have Alex and Kelly each of whom made a wedding
proposal, Nia and Brainy (Why does Nia never call him Querl?), J'onn's love for his children, plus Lex in love with

Minor quibble: How does an unemployed person like Alex afford an elaborate wedding ring? I suppose Kara could have
made the diamond for her, but still.
I was thinking that, if this show had been on the normal schedule, this was the episode that would have aired in February.

Shh, we're not supposed to ask that question! That's like asking how Alex still afford the rent on her apartment, groceries, etc. now that she's unemployed. Or asking how Kara affords that loft (and all of that take out food!) on a Reporter's' salary. I swear, Nia's the most realistic person on the show, living in a tiny apartment with a roommate.