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  1. #1
    Astonishing Member
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    I have to admit I'm looking forward to this. I haven't seen or heard anything about this show that gives me pause. The only thing that even approaches a question is a lingering doubt that the production quality can be maintained (take a look at the first episode of House, for example, and you'll see production quality that is never attempted again). had a review today that makes me more excited for it than previously.

    "There's a difference between a serious superhero and a superhero played seriously."

    This sort of observation is like manna from heaven to me. It's why I didn't care for Man of Steel, and don't look forward to Batman v Superman. It's why I think Amazing Spider-man did less well than Raimi Spider-man. Serious superhero fits Batman in live action, and almost no other superhero.

    It appears that Supergirl gets it. I can't wait to find out more.
    Yeah, this and Blindspot are the two shows I was/am most excited about. I really hope it does well, though I'm nervous about it not being in the best time slot for it to succeed. *fingerscrossed*
    Last edited by Conn Seanery; 09-26-2020 at 12:58 PM.

  2. #2
    Fantastic Member TheLemsterPju's Avatar
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    Superman has been public knowledge for quite a while by this point, yet the idea of aliens existing is still scoffed upon by the public? Do they think he's a metahuman?
    Last edited by TheLemsterPju; 10-26-2015 at 06:34 PM.

  3. #3
    Extraordinary Member Zero Hunter's Avatar
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    I am not sure yet. It was so cheesy in some places especially the stuff between the sisters and the whole "Henshaw hates them filthy aliens" angle. The effects were pretty good and Benoit is pretty good as Supergirl, but there are just so many plot holes in the writing. I mean you are saying that a whole Phantom Zone prison crashed on Earth and that is not Superman's top priority? Or that he just left Kara's ship lying around for the DEO to find? You can not use Superman as such a central figure in your shows mythology and then just ignore common sense things to explain away glaring plot holes.

    I will give it another episode or two to see how it plays out, but am on the fence right now.

  4. #4
    Never Giving Up! GreenLanternRanger's Avatar
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    I enjoyed the pilot overall, I agree it was pretty cheesy in parts, and the Kryptonese line was kind of silly (It should be Kryptonian) But overall I think its an enjoyable enough show to stick with.
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  5. #5
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    It certainly had its fair she of cheesy contrivances:

    • How did Kara not notice the city-size space station trailing in her wake as she exited the Phantom Zone?
    • How did the DEO get their hands on Kara's ship? Did her "parents" turn it over to them? Because it seems unlikely that Superman would have just left it sitting in the desert, waiting for someone to find.
    • Who, in this day and age, still has a lo-res camera on their cell phone? And how is it only one person on the plane got a picture of her?
    • Was it really necessary to repeatedly refer to her as a "female hero"? She's a woman. We get it!
    • "James" could have at least tried to employ a bit of subtlety when he was dropping hints to Kara. As it was, he came across as kind of a smug jerk.
    • For someone who likely never threw a punch in her life before, Kara seemed like a pretty proficient fighter, esp. since she was going up against a guy who was an ex-con and probably a soldier.
    • Given that the show openly acknowledges Superman's existence, the lengths they went through to avoid saying the word "Superman" were almost comical. I assume there are some kind of rights issues in play.

    All that aside . . . I quite liked it. Benoist was good, as was Chyler Leigh. Henshaw was a complete dick, but I liked the character and the way the actor played him. I did think that Flockhart was a bit too arch, a slight caricature of the heartless boss. Hopefully she dials it back going forward. I thought the action scenes were quite good and entertaining. Quality production values and execution. Some real punch to them.

    I like "Kryptonese." It actually makes more sense used as the name of a language/dialect, esp. since they presumably speak more than one language on Krypton.

    All in all, a solid opening.

  6. #6
    Misunderstood Specialist spacegoatpurrp's Avatar
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    Very cheesy. But Supergirl reminds me of Felicity from Arrow. I might stick with it for a few more episodes to see if it loses it's cheesiness

  7. #7
    Incredible Member
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    I like that henshaw is distrusting of those aliens.
    Definitely felt like an illegal immigration metaphor (unless I'm reading too much into it)

    Felt they laid it on a bit thick with the whole "you just think that because she's a girl" angle. I don't think I'll mind it if it has some more nuance going forward.

    The axe that's capable of cutting her exploding in her face and there not even being one flesh wound and something to the effect of "that was close" is a minor gripe, but something that stuck out to me.

    Kara should really ease up on herself, the invasion is not her fault, season 6 of Smallville is a better example of a member of the house of El having some fault for an invasion.

    Kara's evil aunt being the seasonal big bad seems like a good idea and definitely liked the blanket kal-el was wrapped in as a kid being used.

  8. #8
    Incredible Member Luke Cage's Avatar
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    Okay episode. Little cheesy and trying waaaay too hard. But okay.

  9. #9
    Moderator Frontier's Avatar
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    I'm still getting used to Cat Grant being the only one in the show who's pronouncing Kara the same way it's been pronounced since like forever .

  10. #10
    Ultimate Member Robotman's Avatar
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    It was good not great but it has a lot of potential. Melissa Benoist is fantastic as Supergirl. They wanted someone to encapsulate the "girl next door with hidden potential" character to appeal to young girls and I think they pulled it off.

    Things I didn't like:
    James Olsen. It has nothing to do with his ethnicity. The guy just has none of the classic Jimmy Olsen traits. I just don't like the handsome, tall, nice physique Jimmy. It sounds kind of silly when he refers to Superman as "the Big Guy" when he has the same build as Kal and they're probably around the same age.

    The destruction of Krypton didn't have the emotional impact that it deserved. I know they had to get little Kara off the planet before it exploded but the scene seemed rushed. There wasn't much emotion from her parents seeing as they were saying goodbye to their daughter for the last time before dying. "kryptonese"?!? Don't they have consultants from DC to make sure they don't screw up things like that?

    I don't like the casting of Hank Henshaw. Cyborg Superman is one of my favorite villains but I think casting David Harewood was a mistake. If he becomes a cyborg casual fans may get him confused with Vic Stone. Can already hear people asking "is he supposed to be Cyborg from the Teen Titans?" Something WB/DC probably doesn't want so close to the character's big screen debut.

    And just as I was dreading Calista Flockheart was as terrible as she looked in the trailers. Just one big cornball evil boss cliché.

    With that said, the action was great! I spontaneously yelled out "Go!" during the plane crash rescue scene. The show has a lot of potential and I like the overarching plot. I'm definitely going to keep tuning in each week. It took Arrow and Daredevil a few episodes to find their footing and I feel the same thing will happen here.
    Last edited by Robotman; 10-26-2015 at 11:52 PM.

  11. #11
    Mighty Member 90'sCartoonMan's Avatar
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    Kara is likeable enough, and I like that they set up the DEO and Fort Rozz as the major obstacles Supergirl has to overcome, but I'm having a hard time swallowing the fact that Superman wouldn't show up during any of this. It makes sense that he'd send Jimmy to keep an eye on Kara for when she is ready to become Supergirl rather than Superman to be present and force the choice on her, but once she does become Supergirl, shouldn't he be there to train her to effectively use her powers? Or at the very least offer words of encouragement?

    I enjoy Arrow and Flash a lot, and it's great to see a female superhero lead (the Wonder Woman pilot from a few years back was terrible), but they do need to be careful with some of this Devil Wears Prada female empowerment stuff because they don't want to look too preachy.

    Looking forward to the aunt confrontation, but I'm even more curious as to what plans they have for Hank Henshaw.

    Quote Originally Posted by spacegoatpurrp View Post
    Very cheesy. But Supergirl reminds me of Felicity from Arrow. I might stick with it for a few more episodes to see if it loses it's cheesiness
    I swear there was one scene where Kara was wearing the same dress Felicity once wore.

  12. #12
    Incredible Member
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    I love Melissa Benoist! I know this is hardly her first gig but I haven't been familiar with her until now so she feels like such a fresh discovery, and "Girl Next Door" is definitely the right term for her. She's pretty and feisty but not overly glamorous and plays the underrated geekette perfectly. She's a wonderful actress and I'd love to see her play Supergirl in the new DC movieverse because I think she's perfect for the role (though sadly I know that won't happen). However, I worry that this shining star might be finding herself leading a show that is clichéd and formulaic and might not have much new to offer, not to mention the cheesiness that others have mentioned. In other words I fear she may be better than the show. So far the villains do not impress me much, but I will hang in and hope that things get better.

    I do have to confess to shouting out "Whoa, now that was awesome!" when Kara stopped the semi dead in its tracks and the villain flew out through the windshield. That was a classic Supergirl moment I want to see much more of!

    I agree with those who've wondered why Superman wouldn't involve himself in these events but then again who's to say he wasn't nearby the whole time, watching over Kara's first time out and letting her handle it but ready to help if he felt she couldn't handle it? You never know.
    Last edited by Kensei; 10-27-2015 at 12:33 AM.

  13. #13
    Mighty Member Vworp Vworp's Avatar
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    It wasn't perfect, but show me a pilot episode that is. A few odds and sods aside though, it was fantastic from start to finish.

    And it had more 'Super'esque moments in a 45 minute episode of television than Man of Steel managed in two and half hours. Not just feats, MoS had those. But Supergirl nailed the feeling of those moments, those moments that just make you smile and feel all tingly*.

    *And no, that's not referring to Kara's first attempt at her costume.

  14. #14
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    There's actually a number of pilots I would consider, imo, perfect pilots and remain among the best episodes for a multi-season series, examples being
    The Shield
    & Hannibal.

    Of course, my not entirely objective opinion revolves around the pilot being relatively self-contained, establishing tropes of that series, defining the central characters well and overall quality (production values, writing, consistent tone/ direction and good to great acting).

    I've also found some of the best series have imperfect pilots and grow stronger from the initial missteps, so I'm most definitely optimistic about Supergirl moving forward

  15. #15


    I admit I was skeptical about this show. Smallville set the bar pretty high and the market for superheroes is pretty crowded right now with Arrow, Gotham, and Flash. But as the show unfolded, it totally won me over.

    I really like the setup. It wasn't just about Kara trying to become a hero. It was about the family and friends around her being affected by that choice. The revelation about her foster sister and her aunt was the real kicker. That took away some of the camp and added a level of complexity to the narrative that felt fresh and compelling. It now has so much going for it. It has the potential to be special. Whether it can have the staying power of Smallville remains to be seen, but it's well on its way.
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