Hi all =)

I just recently watched the DC animated Superman Unbound ; that reminded somehow about some comic books one of my uncles had given me, many years ago. I think those books were from the late 70', early 80' (I can't be sure : I live in France, and those were french editions).

In one of them, there was an ongoing series I lacked all previous issus from, depicting Superman and Brainiac in some sort of huge world-machine : that machine seemed to be devouring other worlds to create is own planet inside itself. That machine seemed to have malfunctioned, and Supes and Brainy fought together to stop it. At the end of this issue, we saw Superman tear a metal plate from the side of the huge machinery and throw Brainiac to the planet below.

I never read more about this story arc, and despite my best efforts those previous days, were unable to gather more info about it ! Could someone here please help me ? What arc it is, where I could actually read it... I didn't bother, even entirely forgot about it, be watching that movie ignited some memories, and now it's haunting my nights =P

Thanks for your help =)