Like it says on the tin.

Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to shatter Ella's world view of "courage and kindness" into a million pieces. Here's the kicker: you can't be the one to do it. Why? Because you have the powers of a Plawt Gawd, and would likely just expose her to the Total Perspective Vortex.

No, it's not that easy.

Rather, you must pick one person from the fictional multiverse who, after the last stroke of midnight on the third day, will turn Ella's brain into mush, cause her to have to rebuild her entire belief system and, ideally, turn her into a total badass.

No technology or psi abilities are allowed to be used on her. SO. Who has the capacity to turn Ella from a naive, home-schooled 18th century daughter of nobility, into a total badass? And from your selection, what kind of badass will Ella become?