The first issue left me a little disoriented, so I couldn't comment too much. But the second issue had a bit more flow to it, because it filled in the missing pieces from the first, namely the female versions of Howard, Rocket and Deadpool.

The first story was well written and illustrated, about the origin of the two girls, Linda and Shocket, clones of the originals, by the Collector. This was very heartfelt, the attachment to Gatherer D-3X made with the girls. They called him dad, because he rescued them and kept them safe. He is one of the iconic characters of the Marvel Universe. It was when time caught up with them, and Daddy was shot and killed, that the girls became independant and worked together well as a team. But their only escape from the Collector was to find the Nexus of Reality and travel to another Universe, and to do that they had to go to Florida, in the swamps. Unfortunately, Howard just succeeded in destroying that Nexus just as they arrived, and now the Nexus is a moveable feast instead of stuck in one place. One of the best origin stories since Spider-Gwen.

The other story has to do with Gwenpools origin as a breaker of the 4th wall narrator like Deadpool, only a bit ditzy and a very bad shot. But Gwen did kill a detective friend of Black Cat in this, while stealing a very dangerous virus and selling it to Hydra. I take it Gwenpools seeing everyone as just cartoon comic characters, can see no evil in shooting any of them, because eventually they come back. However, there is some apprehension to Gwenpool in that she wants to avoid being an "extra" who tend to get struck by meteors out of the blue, so thinks getting a costume will save her from that fate, but why, I don't know.

This book seems to be examining the trope of replacing male characters with female. Howard, Rocket, and Gwen Stacy in particular, not just as a Spiderman, but as a Deadpool of all things. Just like Spider-Gwen flipped the idea of male female roles, Gwenpool does something similar, and uses the same base character of Gwen Stacy, I presume? But why she has pink hair, I don't know?