Quote Originally Posted by phantom1592 View Post
It was only after doing my research that it got even MORE confusing with it's sorta kinda sometimes reboot.
Sometimes I wish DC would just wipe the slate completely clean. And I mean, not even necessarily use Barry or Hal or Ray; just take the names and concepts and start fresh. Make the Flash a struggling indie comic writer who gets kinetic powers from....I dunno, the internet gods or something. Make the Green Lantern actually carry a green lantern instead of a ring. Keep the Trinity (and Robin) the same people because they're the only truly iconic characters at DC (and Marvel only has Spidey) but put new eyes on everything.

A completely fresh start, Silver Age style.

It'll never happen. And given the people in charge I dont think its within their ability to do well (no offense DC people, you're just too stuck on the past). And it would crush decades of cultural influence and merchandising so WB would never allow it. And odds are it shouldnt be allowed to happen anyway. But sometimes I think it'd be preferable to recycling the same names and faces through the same stories again and again until it gets so old we have to "reboot" everything just so we can start all over again.