I've been more or less a lifelong X-men (since the early 1990s) fan but with pretty wide gaps in my keeping up with things, though I typically eventually catch up with most of what I've missed via the library. Grant Morrison's run kinda marked a high and low point for me, I loved a lot of the elements he added but it also kinda marked a point where the X-Men stopped seeming like what that early idea that I had of what the X-men should look like. I'm not suggesting that things got bad with that change, just kinda different and that's fine.

This is one of the reasons I find myself kinda more excited about the X-Men (and Inhumans) than I have been in a long time. Despite any gripes about the fate of the X-men with relation to the Inhumans the fate of the new Inhumans reminds me in many ways of the state of the mutants before the X-men went through what seems to me to be pretty significant changes (once again, I kinda dig things for the most part, this isn't a complaint so much as an observation). The Inhumans have problems of their own but the devastating effects that the mists have on the mutants is kinda interesting to me because it creates a situation where the mutants are bound to feel much the same way many humans feel about them towards the Inhumans. This is made even more interesting to me because while all of this is happening the Inhumans and X-Men have some history, don't historically hate each other and on some levels (Beast) seem to be willing to work together to figure out some solutions to both groups problems.

Anyway, enough preambling. I'm not gonna lie, I have a huge soft spot for Quentin Quire while I imagine others would probably disagree I can see potential in the character as a sort of potential next generation Professor X (Professor Q!), not just because of his powers but because at his best (imo) he has a sort of idealist revolutionary leader sort of vibe that is very similar to me in all but the most superficial levels (obviously this opinion is influenced by Future Q before he went bad) . It strikes me that it could be an interesting time for a Quentin Quire series. In place of that has there been any word / reasonable speculation when and in what book he might show up again?