Quote Originally Posted by Dispenser Of Truth View Post
Charlotte Finn, who generally has a lot of great Superman stuff on her tumblr and twitter accounts (she also runs, or at least used to run, the absolutely amazing Film Critic Superman twitter account, easily the best non-Morrison Superman stuff of the decade thus far) posted how she'd handle it were she in charge of the Superman line, which is how I'd probably go with it and works as well as anything:

"One thing I forgot to mention in this conversation with wizard072 is how I’d tackle the super-elephant in the room of Superman lore, the question writers try and fail to grapple with: how does a pair of glasses fool the world, especially in an age where there is a camera in everyone’s pocket?

"I struggled surely as anyone, because if this question broke the best writers in the biz, what chance do I have? But I think I finally stumbled on an answer, and it’s this: never explain it, and in fact, hang a big ol’ lantern on how we’ll never explain it.

"Have Clark fool fingerprint scanners. Have him fool voice analysis tests. Have facial recognition software visibly sort Superman and Clark Kent separately. Have people try every trick you can think of to connect the two and then have Clark Kent just stroll right through them with not a single break in his stride. Finally have one of them, exasperated, ask Clark how he does it. What’s his secret?

"And Clark gives a perfect little Superman wink, and says 'if I told you, it wouldn’t be a secret any more.'

"Let people theorize on how he does it, but make it clear: there will be no official canon answer and we will actively oppose one as surely as we oppose a canon origin for the Joker, and for the same reasons. What people think they want and what they actually want, in this case, are two different things. We want to solve the mystery, but honestly, I see a lot more value in keeping Superman’s glasses stored inside the mystery box."
I second this. Brilliant.