Quote Originally Posted by Trey Strain View Post
Jim, I don't think anybody is "bent out of shape" about this. And how would what you're positing manage to fool facial recognition technology?

Putting a mask on Superman is out of the question, obviously. I think it just needs to be said that among his powers is the ability to alter his features to some degree. Clearly he doesn't alter them drastically when he takes off his glasses, but enough to fool people.

I think that's all you need to do.
So you're unwilling to give up that No-Prize.

I think that this is an accepted notion. But you don't need it explained in comic books or movies. People should be able to figure it out for themselves. In fact, that's better. It's always better when the audience fills in the details for themselves, instead of the storytellers getting bogged down with trivial details.

As for facial recognition, I don't think that's a fool-proof technology. And it wouldn't be a problem for Superman to fool the system. I used to always mistake Susan Sarandon for Lesley Ann Warren but that never threatened either woman's career--if they really are two different people.