Quote Originally Posted by Dark-Flux View Post
I know that a lot of the Image creators have lost artwork from the 90s era and it was due to the digital files types that were used for inks or colours back then becoming corrupted over time.
Maybe its a similar issue at DC?
I definitely understand this, but here's what gets me: It just seems like it's the less popular books that it happened to. The staples like Batman and Detective Comics still look crisp in the collections. It's only "B list" books like Shadow of the Bat and Azrael, etc, that appear scanned. Although Catwoman by Balent is sure to be corny and the artwork very...boobesque...I'm interested in picking it up for nostalgia's sake. Given that it was also a "B list" book, I just hope it's also not given the scanned treatment. Either way I'll probably check it out, but it would be nice if they had better material to reprint with. For now I'll just be grateful that DC is FINALLY reprinting some of their 90s era stuff!