Quote Originally Posted by Dark Soul # 7 View Post
A character introduced during the CGI Clone Wars series, that I've only seen just now.

She's the Duchess of the planet Mandalore and acts as a leader for all the systems that wish to remain neutral during the Clone Wars and she's doing her best to keep a pacifist regime, not easy since Mandalore has long standing warrior traditions. She is also in love with Obi Wan Kenobi, and he with her, but they stay true to their duties instead of acting on their feelings. Maul shows up along with criminals and mandalorians who want to be warriors again and destroys everything she's worked for, lures Obi Wan to Mandalore and kills Satine right in front of him. Obi Wan stays true to his Jedi ways and doesn't give in to his rage to murder the frick out of Maul.
end of spoilers
Yes, that's a real pickle.

Caucasus. Deal with it.