This is going to be the thread where ShaggyB and I explain major moderating decisions.

A few years ago, it would be the repository of thread drift links, although that hadn't been a problem very often in the last year. There had been a total of twelve thread drifts from April 2013-April 2014.

I edited thread titles to remove the words "thread" and "official." As per one of the new boardwide rules.


Users do not make threads official, it's obvious we're all here to discuss things, and we all know what threads are. Let’s keep redundancies and information we already know out of thread titles.
I also deleted the Peter Parker appreciation thread. The first post, which hadn't gotten any responses, didn't really have much to say. Which goes against two of the boardwide rules.


Opening posts of any thread should set the tone by introducing the topic and being a springboard for further conversation. Do not succinctly give a topic and then simply say "Discuss" or something similar, expecting other people to run with it. Do not only provide a link to somewhere else or copy/paste an entire article from elsewhere without adding your own thoughts. It’s no one’s job to start threads to make up for whatever particular topics they feel are missing from the forums or need to be split from other conversations, so do not start threads with the empty notion of filling a void without putting the effort into presenting the topic as something worth discussing. If you want to say something, then say it. If you can’t muster up enough effort to start a thread properly, wait for someone else to do it.

(This does not apply to genuine questions posed to the forum the thread starter has no answer to or presenting clips/trailers/previews of material that may be of interest to the forum.)


Starting up a thread with little to no content just because you know people will eventually be talking about the topic is stake claiming. Whether you're eager to see people talking about it or want the first post or credit for having started what you think will soon be a busy or popular thread, please avoid doing this.