Quote Originally Posted by Hypestyle View Post
So what is the OldPower, exactly? How did her children survive?
It is a very ancient and powerful energy created by the Old Shadow People many, many eons ago. It's so powerful that it rivals that of the Power Cosmic itself. The Shadow People race are in fact one of the oldest races in the Marvel Universe. They're also one of the most mentally, physically, spiritually and technologically advanced races in the universe.

As for how Skaar and Hiro-Kala survived, I'll gladly tell you. While she would have been able to survive the explosion herself had she utilized the Old Power to protect herself, Caiera's concern was more for that of her unborn children. In the last seconds of her life, she utilized the Old Power to encase her womb and thus saved her children. But that same pod fell into a lake of molten fire as her body became ash in the Hulk's arms. Hiro-Kala survived the molten fires through the Old Power in which he inherited from Caiera, where as Skaar survived the molten fire due to the Hulk heritage that he received from his father.