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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Alvarado Texas

    Default I Kinda feel alone here in enjoying Jem And The Holograms...(IDW)

    every time i try to discuss it here...either nobody says a word or they start talking about how much they hate it and don't really see why people would like it

    it's sad honestly i wasn't expecting to enjoy jem and the holograms as much as i did but i did and somehow nobody else feels the way i do about this book

    is it the art is it the writing? is it the fact that it's a modernized version of Jem? i don't get it but what i do get is that this was probably the most surprising book to be launched last year nobody expected a jem and the holograms comic book

    it just sorta happened and I'm glad it did because the cartoon had so much potential that was never realized(such as the stingers coming in so late into the series that they were practically irrelevant)and would never be put to good use due to how obscure Jem's Name had gotten over the years(Aside from a few references on robot chicken And Reruns On The Hub)

    I'm just ranting now and this wasn't a topic designed to rant or complain it's a topic designed to try and find other people who might like this series maybe as much as i do

    if not then i guess I'm the one man hologram band

  2. #2
    Moderator Frontier's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2014


    You are most certainly not alone! I was really interested in trying out the title because I had a familiarity with the franchise and liked what I was seeing in the interviews and promotions for the title, and I'm really glad I did .

    Just some amazing and impressive art, and I think Thompson does a great job of modernizing Jem, even if I have a few issues with her writing, but I generally like how she's handled the concepts and the characters .

  3. #3
    Astonishing Member MYCMTSC's Avatar
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    Apr 2014


    I really love the artist (I'm pretty sure I followed Sophie Campbell on DeviantArt back in the day lol) and was excited about the series coming out, but the first issue was a little too saccharine for me.

    I may go back and try to give more issues a shot, though.

  4. #4
    Incredible Member
    Join Date
    May 2014


    I follow the property in a very dedicated manner. I enjoy it. It gives me a break from what I usually read.

    I like all of it. It's fun for me.

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