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  1. #1
    All-New Member
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    Liverpool UK

    Default Spider Man Newspaper Strips

    Does anyone still read the Spider Man Newspaper strip? That is assuming it is still published, the Sunday Times (I'm from the UK) used to carry it in one of their kids supplements, but I haven't seen it since, although I'm told it's still running in the US.

    I haven't read any of the current ones, but I did buy the first volume (in paperback) of the reprint books and was wondering what you all felt about it.

    I haven't finished reading it yet (I've got about 100 pages to go) and I don't want to give away any spoilers so I wan't give out a review.

    However I recommend it to any fans of the ol Web Slinger both old and new.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014


    I read it every day at this site

    Newsarama recently covered the current storyline where Jameson used Iron Man's old armor to attack Peter. We're just winding down on that arc now with Peter finally finding out Jameson's true reason for disliking him all those years.

    Even though the current crop of strips are very corny and have been made fun of over the years by older fans, I actually find them more entertaining than the regular books, plus it has probably the most consistently stable Peter/MJ relationship in the medium, and even better, they're still married.
    Last edited by Cameron Samurai; 05-01-2014 at 08:59 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Two interesting things have happened today

    1. Peter finally discovers from Robbie that Jameson is envious of him, he thinks he's envious of his powers, but Robbie tells him it's because of the affection he gets from people

    2. Jameson realizes he's been a fool to let his Spidey obsession drive him to crazy stunts over the years (this stint in Iron Man's suit being the latest one)

    Arc is still in it's closing stages, I will update as it nears a conclusion.

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