I am a completely new writer attempting to create an entire new world for a 'fantasy' comic book. I've been researching and reading about world building (Writing Fantasy & Science Fiction: How To Create Out-Of-This-World Novels and Short Stories - Various Authors) and comic book creation (Making Comics - Scott McCloud). I have an idea for a comic book series and have been looking for feedback and advice. Now that I've finally a few different forums where I can share my ideas, find collaborators and maybe get a few tips from more established comic book creators, I feel that I'm ready to begin the process of actualizing these characters and stories.

Basically the world I have in mind is Greek mythology (Polytheism) with superhero fiction mixed into a fantasy setting. I'm somewhat unsure of sharing too many detials because I don't have type of copyright on the intellectual property and would hate to have the idea stolen. Imagine a world where multiple gods exist and are worshiped throughout an entire nation. Of course, not all of the gods see eye to eye on the day to day dealings with their human devotees and are constantly at war with each other. The gods also have half human/half diety children that possess special abilities (mutants/metahumans in Marvel/DC universes). The nation itself is already at war for the throne amongst several kingdoms. The god of war gains power as chaos and destruction slowly the evelope the lives of all peoples. As mortal kings contend for the crown, others must rise and fight before the world falls into complete carnage giving the god of war complete control.

That is the foundation of the story I want to tell. However, I would like it to span throught different eras as the gods themselves are somewhat immortal and the war between good and evil is everlasting. I have character bios and have already begun a story arc. But I guess my question is: Does this sound/feel like a story that would make a good comic book series? I'm really thinking of an entire world like Marvel/DC, telling different stories from the point of view of different characters all tied together in one universe. Any ideas, tips and advice would be greatly appreciated.