Hi folks,

I know Multiversity wrapped up a couple months back, but damn it, I just read it and I want to talk about it! So much so, that it prompted my friend and I to create a Weekly Comic-Book show where we sneak away from our wives and geek out over the 4-colored world. Our premiere episodes of Imperius Rex (our show) covered Multiversity, and everything building up to it (Seven Soldiers, Final Crisis, etc), then we decided to keep going with the format, and we've settled into a weekly routine, where we drop a new episode each Wednesday. We chat about current and notable comic runs, along with topical movie news when applicable (ie: we can't ignore Batman v Superman next week).

So, introductions out of the way, I really wanted to share what we created with the like-minded audience we filmed it for. It's fun to chat about superhero shenanigans with your buddies over a couple of drinks, so we were hoping some of you folks might be interested in giving them a watch and joining the discussion. I'd love to hear the community's thoughts on our interpretation of Morrison's work, or if our attempted description of the Multiverse is completely incoherent.

Trying not to come off too spammy or anything, we just wanted to get this out there to an audience who might appreciate it (or rake it over the coals), and maybe spark a discussion that we could incorporate into future episodes going forward. We enjoy recording these, and I hope somewhere out there, it finds an audience that enjoys watching them!

Here's the unavoidable link to the video on Multiversity itself : (if you dig it, or want to start from the beginning, episode one and two are linked in the side-bar) We're on twitter and facebook and all that jazz too, but you can find them if you want to. I don't want it to come off too infomercially.

Personally, I was amazed at how much more I enjoyed Final Crisis upon rereading it. The all-out epic scale of an event that only a comic book can dish out was incredibly enjoyable, and really refreshing in the age of constant reboots and streamlining of universes. And I was even more surprised at what an integral part it played to Multiversity. Almost to the extent that Multiversity felt like a sequel. Generally, I'm surprised so many people enjoyed Multiversity, while Final Crisis had such a negative reception. A lot of the praise stems from the individual tie-in books which make up the mini-series itself, because come on, how can you not call Pax Americana the single best comic book of the year. Plus, throw in Thunderworld Adventures, and you've got a hell of a reading experience that speaks volumes about the enjoyment that only the comic book medium can capture.

So thanks guys and gals, if you've taken the time to read this far, or even give the videos a cursory glance. As a HUGE Morrison fan, I tried to encapsulate a lot of what I love about his work in the video. And coming from a background in video production, I tried to make it more watchable than simply a video podcast or something like that. If you dig it, there's more to come.

-Dave (co-creator of the Imperius Rex show)