There is Little Doubt we are in a Major, Even Golden Age of Marvel Movies from Various Companies!

From Marvel Studios to FOX, Marvel is creating more and more movies with Major Levels of success that many have never seen before and with that creating worlds, stories and characters that are being for the 1st time introduces to the Mass Public as well as the Comic Book Veteran with Amazing Success!

BUT........with every movie there has seemed to be one recurring criticism that seems to pop-up. Whether it is justified in the eyes of many or argued against, it is their:

The Complex of the Marvel Movie Villain and the Lack of their Characters!

For me I have mostly Greatly Enjoyed most of the Marvel Villians, liking the wide variety of them and their various goals and levels of power and how they go about achieving their various goals. But there is NO Denying that many have seen the Marvel Villains as the weakest parts, if not the Weakest-Part of most Marvel Movies.

Just Recently with X-Men: Apocalypse, while their are good debates on how the movie was, it seems most of any negative criticism of the Movie has been directed at the Villain who is in the Title of the Movie Itself, Apocalypse Himself and to a degree his Horsemen too. Lack of character, development, acting, reasoning, you name it, it is their to say Apocalypse and His Horsemen, most of them lacked.

So My Point for this Thread is Simple, to have views expressed on HOW Marvel Needs to or Should Fix these Villian Problems for not just upcoming movies, but really what they COULD have done to make their past movie villains more of a success. From Ultron, to the Dark Elves, to Apocalypse, Ronan, to AIM, to Whiplash, to really ANY of them, What was it Marvel Needed in your opinion to make them Work and How would that have translated in to be more successful in others eyes?

Mostly remember, you have at most over 2 and 1/2 Hours of time in a movie to present these villains with EVERYTHING Else being represented as well! Could that even be done or what their room that was wasted to do so?

OR, are they Mostly OK or Good In your Eyes and Why is that and why the dislike of Marvel Movie Villains is not correct in your eyes?

Mainly I like this to be a good talk to Finally Pan these questions out in the eyes of fans and figure out the Marvel Movie Villain Complexity Questions.