Hey everybody,

My friends and I decided to get together and try our hand at creating a comic book, and from that came Lazer Comics. We're working on a lot of different stuff right now, but as a bit of a primer we put together this 3-page mini comic. So, please take a look and let us know what you think. You can follow us on Facebook to see some of our other characters. We'll be releasing more information over the coming months. Thanks to everyone for taking the time to read this post and giving us your feedback!

A little bit of info about this story:

Goon Recruitment Aid for Villainous Excellence (G.R.A.V.E.) is an organization dedicated to the notion that every good villain needs quality goons to do his or her bidding. Need to conquer the world? Have your sights set on the perfect part to finish that death ray you’ve spent years working on? Just need someone to help clean up around the old lair? G.R.A.V.E. can help. With our state of the art database of healthy, ready to work goons, you’ll never be without the help you need. Our team is led by experienced villains and trained to understand all of your villainy needs. Turn your grave situation into a G.R.A.V.E. situation. Call today.

G.R.A.V.E. Comic Revised(1).jpgG.R.A.V.E. Comic Revised(2).jpgG.R.A.V.E. Comic Revised(3).jpg

https://www.facebook.com/LZRComics (You can also find the comic on our Facebook page, it's one of the first posts)