If you had the power to change one thing about the current Marvel, what would it be? It could be anything, character changes, creative changes, direction changes, anything.

One thing that has really been bothering me lately is that fact that it seems like there are too many threats that require multiple heroes from multiple books all the time. Just look through any week's books and you'll see that so often a threat, that in the past would have been dealt with by the hero or team of that book alone, is now only defeated when all current Avengers teams and assorted hangers-on show up to assist. It makes the heroes look weaker IMO, because they aren't able to succeed on their own and need the assistance of all their friends. It also makes team-ups less special. Who cares if Spidey is appearing in the next issue of Daredevil, if they were both just in the lasted issue of Mockingbird helping her (and an army of others) defeat a lame-o alien invasion. And 90% of the time, they don't even add anything to the story, they are just seen flying around in the background, punching a generic looking thug. I would love Marvel to go back to the days when the hero, or team, figured out a way to defeat the villains themselves without calling in all their friends.