Quote Originally Posted by Kisinith View Post
You aren't wrong, but you are leaving out a bit of context, at least with regards to the board.

As much as there were some very vocal Cyclops supporters, the Cyclops detractors were also super active and even more over the top. Damn near every time Cyclops was even mentioned certain posters came out of the woodwork to complain about the character, how he was the sum of all evil and that his very presence infected the X-Men, and that he was personally holding back other more worthy characters. For a while there, especially during the revolution era, every time an issue of Uncanny came out the thread discussing it would balloon to 40 or 50 pages of bickering. At least once a week a thread was started on how Cyclops was the worst character ever, responsible for everything bad that had ever happened for the past 30 years and was probably plotting to put babies on spikes.
Sometimes the topics had nothing to do with Cyclops and someone would just start it up.

Quote Originally Posted by Kisinith View Post
Within the Cyclops appreciation thread, things were generally a lot more laid back, strange... very strange at times, but far less over the top in what they wanted for the character.

Just kidding, I know what you mean.

Quote Originally Posted by Kisinith View Post
The very worst really seemed to be between some of the Storm fans and some of the Cyclops fans, I remember reading those threads and wanting to grab some popcorn while watching the carnage.
Yeah, the first... disagreement, lets say, that I had on here was with a very zealous Storm fan. Ultimately, it turned out that we had simply misunderstood the others' points.

I can barely remember why there was so much animosity between the two groups back then.