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  1. #11
    BANNED Killerbee911's Avatar
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    May 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by The tall man View Post
    Well it could be said that humans are trying to stave off their own extinction in the face of mutant expansion and looming domination. And just as mutants see themselves as being justified in their actions to defend themselves, humans do as well. When a species see their back is against a wall they will do whatever it takes to survive. It would be foolish to think humanity is just going to roll over for mutants, that they will let their species go into that good night without a fight.

    Would mutants accept staying on their island if the humans pledge not to bother or interfere with them? Would they destroy all the gates planted in various countries around the world and keep to themselves on Krakoa, I suspect not. Its Its highly hypocritical that mutants don't want humans on Krakoa but have no problem going into sovereign countries to do whatever they want. What would mutants do if all the nations decided to end diplomatic relations, reject the drugs, destroy the gates on their land and ban mutants from entering their borders? How would Krakoa react to that? Would they accept that and stay on Krakoa or would they ignore it and do whatever they want? And if they did ignore the other countries decrees would said countries have the right to attack Krakoa, and would mutants have any right to complain?
    why is it hypocritical for mutants to protect themselves from future abuse. It is like a woman being abused from her husband. She moves out gets her own house so she can't be abused by him. Why is necessary for the husband to have access to where she stays? And the woman hasn't wrong the husband so why would it be unfair for her to go back into her old house to get her stuff?

    If humans did the things you are saying it would prove the need for Krakoa, So there is no point in having that hypothetical convo. No matter how you guys want to try spin this, The problem in this always begins with Humans treating good mutants like they are bad mutants. The X-men would be fighting the very people they around right now if Humans would stop treating them like they are bad guys.
    Last edited by Killerbee911; 03-01-2021 at 10:02 PM.

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