View Poll Results: Should Marvel give Mary Jane her own ongoing title?

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  • They Should

    21 72.41%
  • The Should Not

    8 27.59%
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  1. #1
    Amazing Member Animehunter's Avatar
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    Default Poll: Should Marvel give Mary Jane her own ongoing title?

    Given Mary Jane's popularity and increase in sales that occur every time she's on the cover or doing anything in a big capacity, should Marvel give her her own book?

  2. #2
    Post Editing OCD Confuzzled's Avatar
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    Yes. There is so much potential. You can tell an outstanding everyman in a superhero world story like Marvels.

  3. #3
    Incredible Member
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    Yes; I would like another volume of Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane, being its own continuity, unencumbered by the current mess Marvel is and has been for years now.
    Last edited by ngroove; 07-10-2016 at 10:01 AM.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Confuzzled View Post
    Yes. There is so much potential. You can tell an outstanding everyman in a superhero world story like Marvels.
    This. While I think MJ is best as a close support character to Peter, and spinning her off into a solo title could be a tricky thing, this may be the way to go about it.

    The question is, keep the "everywoman" quality, or put her in costume for it?

  5. #5
    Ultimate Member Mister Mets's Avatar
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    There's potential for it. MJ as Stark's executive assistant could, post whatever the hell happens to him in Civil War II, give an interesting perspective on the Marvel U.
    Thomas Mets

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mister Mets View Post
    There's potential for it. MJ as Stark's executive assistant could, post whatever the hell happens to him in Civil War II, give an interesting perspective on the Marvel U.
    I would go even further and get her out of the shadow of both Peter and Stark (especially now that Riri is seemingly taking over in IM).

    The more I think about it, the more a Mary Jane: Scarlet Spider series seems like an obvious no-brainer, one that Marvel probably won't do because of their stubborn hubris and dislike of the character.

  7. #7
    Moderator Frontier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheesedique View Post
    This. While I think MJ is best as a close support character to Peter, and spinning her off into a solo title could be a tricky thing, this may be the way to go about it.

    The question is, keep the "everywoman" quality, or put her in costume for it?
    Ideally keep the "everywoman" quality because that's where MJ works best at within the Marvel U, and there's plenty to explore with that concept.

    For better or worse, ASM #15's pretty much ruled out Mary Jane wanting to be a Superhero, and frankly I don't think she needs it. Not everybody needs to be a Superhero.

  8. #8
    Spectacular Member FF-Fighter's Avatar
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    If they got rid of some other Spider-Titles that arnt doing so good, yes. I'm just tired of all of them.

  9. #9
    Ultimate Member Mister Mets's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheesedique View Post
    I would go even further and get her out of the shadow of both Peter and Stark (especially now that Riri is seemingly taking over in IM).

    The more I think about it, the more a Mary Jane: Scarlet Spider series seems like an obvious no-brainer, one that Marvel probably won't do because of their stubborn hubris and dislike of the character.
    I think there's something special with the idea that she's had numerous opportunities to be a superhero, and doesn't want to take it.
    Thomas Mets

  10. #10
    Mighty Member ijacksparrow's Avatar
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    I've been rereading Civil War from the beginning in the Marvel Unlimited app and remembering the Iron Spider suit. I actually think that if Marvel has no intention of making MJ part of Spider-Man's supporting cast (and I really don't think Peter and Mary should be married, even though I started collecting comics for real when ), getting her an ongoing book with the Iron Spider suit could be more interesting and with a bigger chance going for a longer time than Spider-Gwen, for example. Give her the Iron Spider suit but don't call her that because that name is kind of silly. Make her Spider-Jane and just go for it, no secret identity needed. I think there's more than enough following for her to keep going, regardless if my heart says that I'd rather see Silk to keep going.
    Pull list:

    Marvel Comics: X-Men, Marauders, Excalibur, New Mutants, X-Force, Fallen Angels and Immortal Hulk

    "Humans of the planet Earth. While you slept, the world changed." -Professor X

  11. #11
    Incredible Member AngelJD's Avatar
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    While I do think the "everywoman" approach can be difficult to pull off and make interesting if it's done right it can be a masterpiece and they were able to do that in the great tale that is of "Marvels". Any possible storyline or idea can be done right.
    MJ however for me is at a point in time where I can't see her now as the "everywoman". All the things that she knows and went though plus all the fortuitous and unimaginable luck or unluck and greatly her experience and how she is so very much apart of the heroes lives and a front row position to it all outside of being in the action (though sometimes she is). All of that separates her from now the "everywoman" who doesn't have any of that perspective or luck. Thus she isn't the everywoman anymore while she is also not the hero.
    Of having her own series. Her own ongoing title. Let me explain my way of thinking and my perspective on present MJ and how it leads to my answer to that subject.

    I don't like present MJ. I dislike present MJ. I'm close to writing that I hate MJ as she is right now and reading some of Bendis past works involving 'a' MJ (since he is the one who currently is charting her personality and course) doesn't fill me with hope as I dislike many times Bendis's MJ. After writing that I WANT MJ to have a test run limit series 10 issues title (or two tradebooks) and if done right and proven to be well liked by fans and sales transition into an ongoing title.

    I like to make new twists in thinking.

    I like giving new characters a fair shot and have more fascination when a new character shows up (so yes I will give this new iron girl a fair shot by taking a gamble on her for two issues like I like to give all new characters a chance). Now I understand that people dislike change and I'm uncomfortable with it as well when you are use or like a character in a certain way that you know and have memories with (particular when a person first began reading comics what is the status quo then become ingrained into the person's psyche thus for me thanks to the movies I first experienced THOR as Odinson/Hemsworth but in comicbook format I began reading in late 2014/early 2015 and comic THOR is the MIGHTY THOR (Jane) and she is MY THOR and it hurts when others call her a fake even though she and Wolverine and others follow the same mission to be the best hero they can be like all other before and after them). But attacking new without a fair shot isn't a positive way of thinking. Thus I have a fascination for the new and I hope even if the ideas sound far fetched and not that great (the idea behind "The Visions" sounded horrible and far fetched before the first issue came out and I figured it was going to be something very different than how it turned out plus the Visions has become possible one of the best works of fiction I have ever read).

    As for characters I dislike. I WANT them to have the opportunities to transition and develop into characters I like and be used effectively particularly if a writer has a idea they believe in. I Hate character derailments and poor effective use but I love developments. Developments requires time and having a presence to order for the proper growth and storytelling. If feel even more hopeful if a write outside of the writers who hasn't done a great job personally for me for some characters comes in and says "Hey! I would like to use him/her as I have a idea I feel suits this character and can help grow this character." It's has always been less about the characters (they are fictional aka NOT REAL). It has alot to do with the writers. It has ALL to do with the writers and artists who can work together and properly tell the tale and characters right.

    Now looking into why I dislike MJ. In looking into why I might dislike a character(s) I can then look into how such character could rise up with developments. She's a 'blamer' currently and that has annoyed and infuriated me. It's a little more complicated than that but to sum it up best for me is that she is a blamer.

    When you love a character some of the characters stand out moments can be recalled and beloved. Negativity however is a character who has 50+ years going on her is that she has a good history and usage but also a bad ones and bad standout times as well. She has had more screen time and opportunities for fans then many legendary heroes have in comics. Now i know within my heart that if some of my top five heroes is fortunate enough to have a constant 50+ years as well with so many writers and artists within that time frame there will be a possibility that i will not love that heroe for who he/she is at a current time of writings/useage. I LOVE Kamala Khan and I bow to all that made her possible and has done a fantastic job in making a comic, a world, a cast, and a character so well and loveable and interesting. Sana Amanat and Stephen Wacker, writer G. Willow Wilson and artists that has made her presently has my paises. BUT if Kamala Khan has the prosperity of a long history and 50+ years with different writers and artist in the future I know the odds become very high that at some point in the future and within those 50 years I could very well write at some point "I dislike presently made Kamala Khan." I don't look forward to that. Currently MJ has hit that area presently in her long history of like times and dislike times.

    Bendis doesn't fill me with hope that he is writing for MJ due to his Ultimate version MJ having negatives (one particular negatives that disgusted me was when how he wrote her constantly being nasty and jealous all the time and when she punched Kitty Pride for no reason was when I found myself absolutely hating her and seeing her as a green monster sometimes and she kept on blaming others all the time to utter annoyance and feeling of entitlement). These negative I feel could be passed on and has passed on to 616 MJ. Now while his past works involving a MJ fills me with worries it still is possible that Bendis from this point forward could wow me and move in great directions that i didn't consider and love.
    If not then it is still in my mind that every time a new writer uses an character it's like a clean slate can be made and suddenly characters I love I either still love or move in the negative and characters I dislike can advance to a better position or no advancement. The power of writers is that with a idea/spark of imagination/ and skills anybody's top ten dislike or least fansantied characters can rise up and be place of their favorites lists. The power of emotion, developments, and story is in their and the artist's hands.

    Currently her rants on superheroes and her verbal attacks on peter makes me wish peter would have some self pride and tell her to shut it! What the heck is Peter suppose to do MJ!? Sure he purposely let Ock MIND RAPE HIM. Wait no he didn't! You want stop being a hero? You can go to all the families he could of saved then MJ and tell them she/he denied Spider-man to save their love ones because it didn't suit her. His guilty conscious and vow to save others will eat him alive. You should know this! He doesn't ask for bad things to happen yet he will respond and try his best because he is a hero. It's what heroes do. Sorry for the bad things MJ but that is the freakin Marvel Universe for you NOT Peter. Peter has made some bad choices and some gray choices but he always tried to do good and sometimes that is debatable on how to handle certain things due to conflicting beliefs for what is best. Bad things happen all the time and the heroes react. His he didn't go and be a hero you would be dead by now!

    I understand the pressure can be great and the trauma but possibly a mental vacation (people and even real life heroes need a break to refill and be refreshed to perform at their best from time to time) or talking to a expert would be better than annoying complaining. Grant you are "MJ" so even if you leave the Marvel Universe and fans wanting you to show up in comics will guarantee that you can't run from problems.

    But currently she has constantly complained and been a "blamer" and primary a snide remarker character only and that has bothered me.

    How to move away from that. How to rise up from that? My response for that coming up next.

  12. #12
    Incredible Member AngelJD's Avatar
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    First while many might want MJ and Peter back together I'm overall neutral about it. I do however want MJ and Peter to be in a much better position and social interactions. This means I want MJ to stop being so hostile and looking down upon Peter. I want her to see with new eyes and see the problems Peter has to go though. I want her to respect Peter even if she sometimes disagrees with him. I want her to apologize and not Peter apologizing for the bad stuff that happens in life knowing Peter wasn't at fault for it and doing good and wanting to do good shouldn't be looked down upon but MJ was doing that and attacked him unfairly.

    How can MJ learn and grow into a character I like and develop into such. While as they say can you MJ "talk the talk" but can you "walk the walk"? I was actually hoping that MJ once again tries to escape the superhero scene and moves to some place other than where Peter is (Texus, Chicago, LA, Salt LAke City, any urban popular area). That when she wore the Iron Spider suit doing the Spider-MAn tale Tony Stark made some special modifications that has DNA safety measures and security and that MJ unknowingly when placing it on made a "DNA imprint" on the suit and now will only function with her. When she leaves (or is sent traveling for a company reasons) Tony gives it to her saying that it would be useless for everybody else plus she might need it someday. MJ considers dumping it but instead takes it and locks it deep in her luggage.

    Either on the road in a busted up van a accident happens (fire or some sort of situation) and the local authorities are not in a position that can help despite trying their best. But MJ can. But will MJ will herself? If she doesn't people die. If she does it would "inconvenience" her. She does and releases how off it was to think of her petty needs vs people's lives on the line. But she still tells herself "One time deal that's it. Not going to happen again. Certain I won't need to put on the suit. I'm certain there will be no more pressure or set of circumstances that only I will be capable to handle...possibly." However like a domino effect she finds herself having become a part in bigger things and situations and she has nobody to blame for it. She saves lives and the people turn on her yet she learns the hard truths about when she doesn't react and looks out for herself the disaster that can happen. She begins to experience first hand all the pressures and emtions Peter, Tony, and many of the heroes she blamed and was hostile towards with a first hand learning experiences. She learns that no matter sometimes what you do bad things will happen. She learns that you can only try your best sometimes. She learns that alot of the problems she didn't ask for Peter himself didn't ask for yet they need to respond.

    She gains her own cast of characters (though I wouldn't mind if Friday from Iron Man became a sort of "oracle" type support for her when she wears the suit and is apart of her cast and friends in her series whom she trades friendly jab comments with), makes an impact in her community, teams up with a few heroes of different varieties (showcasing that she has ascended to becoming a character that is able to have mult-interactions and chemistry of different kinds and not just 'love interest' and only able to be use in one book having transitioned becoming more broader in scope) a rogue of her very own. She looks with new eyes the world and how she reacted to Peter and others by having a new perspective.

    She develops and moves away from being a 'blamer' that became a huge part of her life and gains enlightenment to her hostile reactions and foolishness and folly and how she placed additional baggage on him that was not his fault to begin with. She doesn't regret taking time for herself and going on this journey and retreat that she needed as everybody needs time for self reflection, rest, and/or enlightenment in their lives. She remembers lessons that she forgotten and starts to transition into a better person with better clarity of superhero lives. (Unless it becomes a ongoing) She states after her adventure ends that it was a one time grand adventure for her but she needed it and plus now it is apart of who she is and help further shape her. She is the Iron Spider and MJ just like Peter is Spider-MAn and Peter. After everything (either she returns to New York or Peter so happens to be in the area) she gives Peter a call to meet for some basic coffee and talk opening the spiritual door to be back in her life and self reflects and reflects on the people and heroes she met on her own journey. "It was not you Peter but it was so easy to blame you and many others. It was and is the freakin universe we live in plus EVERYBODY in this universe gets messed up and screwed over. Not just me though sometimes it could feel that way. But it's our universe and it's the only one we have and must take care of... not counting the multiverse of course which sometimes has to be maintained as well."

    Characters I would like her to team up with (provided they can bring something to help her grow plus have a good story and chemistry or help move forward MJ's long term tale:
    Spider-gwen (ok this is due that I am a Spider-Gwen fan but MJ and Gwen are two names that people in the past when speaking the names only had "love interest" in the mind and was considered only as possible thus this will be a show of how both characters (even though one comes from Earth-65 and NOT the character 616 Gwen Stacy who is still dead) and even future versions of them made can become much more plus Spider-Gwen is part of the reason a boost of Spider-MJ or similar has popped up and thus Spider-Gwen series and character has help lead the possable to be open to Marvel for MJ having her turn),
    Gwen-Pool (many who has not giving a fair short in reading her book will scoff at the name and her existence but her book shocked me with how much better than I expect it to and could be plus her character the writer made and is developing and more deep then expected but biggest reason of all is the theme or one of the biggest themes in the Unbelievable Gwenpool series has thus been the deconstructions and how hellish it can be for "extras" aka "everyman/woman" lives in the 616 universe can be so MJ can learn how the problems that she thought was special to her is in fact a hellish problem for the many and some are dead or crippled mentally or physically permanently yet she is fortunate to still be standing),
    Squirrel Girl (for a time when a breather issue is needed before things go spiraling downhill in a massive showdown that all heroes goes though many times plus Squirrel Girl despite her more fun and silly eager personality she displays openly has great wit, kindness, and wisdom that she uses to help both her "villains" and fellow heroes alike with and can help MJ too and help brighten her up and see some new angles in fixing some problems if in a slump),
    and a couple more (I'm a Kamala Khan fan so yeah her as well but hopefully done well for both characters as always and any others used).

    Overall if I dislike you then I want to NOT dislike you and that requires ideas and imagination, looking into why the dislike is there and how to fix that with desires and ideas motivating it (and not by attacking said characters or killing them or removing them unless another writer wants to use them for a grand idea or you don't use as you don't want to damage a character you don't know how to handle yet) time and developments and a first hand learning experiences and granting time in following MJ and her developing psyche and choices as a hero herself placing in the position could do wonders for her fixing and moving things on a positive path.

    So I dislike current MJ. So my pick of the two is: "They Should" and I will have hope for the best and give a fair shot by picking up the first two issues and make my choices of the third issue or not from that!

  13. #13
    Incredible Member AngelJD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheesedique View Post
    I would go even further and get her out of the shadow of both Peter and Stark (especially now that Riri is seemingly taking over in IM).

    The more I think about it, the more a Mary Jane: Scarlet Spider series seems like an obvious no-brainer, one that Marvel probably won't do because of their stubborn hubris and dislike of the character.
    I must admit finding this person's idea and fan made design that looks so spectacular had me wishing Marvel would contact him and buy his design or offer him a job to make such a series. It was that awesome and intriguing.

    Desing and idea from a artist named Fooray and he and more of this desing can be found on deviantart:

  14. #14
    Mighty Member ijacksparrow's Avatar
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    Wait, Bendis writing a Spider-Jane or Iron Spider solo or keeping her as a supporting cast of either his books? Hell NO. No. Just no. No, no, no and no. And no I'm not going to be reading it either Iron Man books, regardless if MJ is involved or not. MAYBE RiRi if she ever gets a different writer, but as it stands now it's just a big fat no.
    Last edited by ijacksparrow; 07-10-2016 at 09:38 PM.
    Pull list:

    Marvel Comics: X-Men, Marauders, Excalibur, New Mutants, X-Force, Fallen Angels and Immortal Hulk

    "Humans of the planet Earth. While you slept, the world changed." -Professor X

  15. #15
    Incredible Member Von's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AngelJD View Post
    I must admit finding this person's idea and fan made design that looks so spectacular had me wishing Marvel would contact him and buy his design or offer him a job to make such a series. It was that awesome and intriguing.

    Desing and idea from a artist named Fooray and he and more of this desing can be found on deviantart:



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