Quote Originally Posted by neonrideraryeh View Post
Arkham Manor looks like it would have been better as a Mini because it looks like it's only a couple story arcs' amount of stuff before things go back to the status quo. I think the series will come to an end after a year or so; not because of sales, but because the writers have told everything they wanted. Nonetheless, I'm intrigued with this one and have questions I hope it answers.

Gotham Academy... it seems like one of those titles that could struggle and end in 10 issues because of it having new characters and thus not selling as much (unless your name is Kamala apparently). I'm somewhat interested (though the other interests me more) and as much as I like to be optimistic and say "people you gotta get the books so they keep going!" and I will give everything a read, this might be an uphill battle. They'll need to go big on the Batman content to keep it going.

I would have been more excited for some existing heroes such as Booster Gold, Cyborg, etc to get their solos though. How about a Vixen book? She could do some mystical jungle stuff and be involved in the Dark books maybe; just a thought. If they don't want too many solos, then I'm always happy to see more team books that give good showings to characters not being published. When will they relaunch BoP?

Overall though, I'm always happy to see new news about content being put out. Arkham Manor piques my interest. Though, I must say ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ Free Booster Gold ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
If these books last longer than 6 issues (March 2015), there will be the 2 month break and then resuming toward cancellation.