In the recent history you know the United States Olympic team emerged from the 2016 Rio Games with the highest medal count of all the participating nations. Champions such as Michael Phelps, Simone Biles and Kyle Snyder triumphantly brought home the gold for the USA. But in another reality such stalwarts were not able to attend the games, having been snatched up by the Grandmaster to participate in some athletic competitions of his own devising.

While the rest of the Avengers have been dispatched to rescue the athletes the Olympic Committee, in an unprecedented decision, has authorized the substitution of Captain America for the missing U.S. team. He will be allowed to compete in all events for both genders. Since the Super Soldier Serum is not on the list of officially banned performance enhancers it will not disqualify Rogers from competing in the games. And thanks to the generosity of Reed Richards loan of a specialized time platform, the Captain will be able to compete in two or more events that are scheduled at the same time. Unfortunately, to avoid potential paradoxes, Rogers can not be at the same event more than once so there will only be one of him for team sports.

So, how does the Star Spangled Avenger do in each event? How many medals will he be able to win of each type? Does he do better or worse than what the U.S. Olympic Team would have done? Which will be the easiest events for him and which the most difficult?

I, The Watcher, pose this question to you all,

What If Captain America Competed In The Place Of The U.S. Olympic Team?

Bonus Question: Same scenario as above, except it's the MCU version of Captain America competing.