Did anybody read it? I really liked the flashbacks and some parts of the present day story, but I felt that there were logical problems with the plot. It's not as bad as #1 (where the whole kidnap-Wintergreen-to-get-Deathstroke-to-change-costumes thing didn't make sense at all), but there's still at least one scene in #2 that was hard for me to process: the Racskowsi one. Specifically, the timing of it. Wintergreen was kidnapped months ago, but Racskowski's torturers kept him alive until just before Deathstroke shows up at the door? He'd be dead and buried by the time Slade got there.

But it was still a fun story if you don't squint at it too hard. As I said, the flashbacks were awesome, especially the introduction of Rose. And the art is really quite good.

So what did you think?