I’ve hinted of expanding further the idea of Nova fans participating for Nova619 - already underway with several Nova fans taking part doing plots/ideas for the next season of digital comics for our 2018 Season. However, there are a lot of talented Nova fans out there that also do fan fiction – which compared to doing comics can have no barriers to doing awesome stories without limit of imagination. I know that not every Nova fiction writer may not necessarily want to do a fan fic story in our Universe 619 – so how to get around that problem? Easy!

Already set within the concept of Universe 619 is the idea of multiple universes – the same idea that the regular Marvel Universe had before Secret Wars rendered the Multiverse down to 2. Each “Verse” is separate, distinct and individual from each other. For the most part they remain separarte - however in some circumstances the walls between them weaken and for brief moments travel between Universe 619 to other realms – can happen.

Another way these different universes can be observed – and stories told that feature different Nova’s, different Richard Riders, Peter Quills or any characters, worlds and so on is though the one thing in Universe 619 that has the power to perceive them. Not the Watchers – but through the Worldmind!

The Universe 619 Worldmind is more infinite and powerful that the 616 version, it occupies the quantum realms of reality and mind itself – allowing those that live within it – the Xandarian Ascendents – to witness what happens in other realities. And that is the gateway that will allow those that want to - or already do write Nova fan fiction the chance to shine and share their own visions of Nova with others!

For 2017 – myself, along with Doug Smith of Nova Prime Page, launch Worlds within Worlds! This is your chance to create new stories featuring Nova in any conceivable verse! In any situation! Stories submitted will be not just words alone – members of Team 619 and other Deviant Art artists will take part to do illustrations for them.

So if interested, google Team 619 on Facebook, request to join and leave reply to take part or send me a note with a contact e.mail. Like Nova619 and the recent 40th Special, this will be a free PDF zine available online at NPP sometime in 2017 – so what are you waiting for? Take a trip along the path of the Nova Force and take part today!