October 1 - The Body Snatcher (1945)
October 2 - Isle of the Dead (1945)
October 3 - Dead Men Walk (1943)
October 4 - Cat People (1942)
October 5 - An American Werewolf in London (1981)

This one gets a play almost every October, because there aren't a lot of great werewolf movies. But even if there were, this one would continue to stand out because of Rick Baker's effects.

Another interesting thing about this one is how it sits between the two worlds of 70s and 80s horror. The locals at the pub, the doctor, the nurse, they all feel like they could have stepped directly out of a Hammer production. And then in come these Americans with their movie references and sarcasm, and they're kind of like the precursors to the standard 80s teen hero with the Aurora model kits.

October 6 - Murders in the Rue Morgue (1932)

The movie Legosi made instead of Frankenstein. This one was okay, and Lugosi's great in it, but I think it was a bit too ambitious for the time to feature a gorilla as the monster. The cutting back and forth between a man in an ape suit and closeups of a chimp in the zoo really serve to undercut the great, moody atmosphere of the rest of the film.