My gaming hiatus finally came to an end. Almost 2 months without gaming...blasphemy! I ended up choosing Dust: An Elysian Tail as my warm up. A fun 2D side-scrolling, hack n' slash RPG. I've put 16 hours into it so far and I'm 99% through. Playing on normal doesn't offer any real challenge so I might do one more play through on the hardest difficulty for the achievement . I'd still consider it a fun game that's good to very good. Solid story and decent voice acting. You can find characters, locked in cages, hidden throughout the world. Twelve in all that give you a 5% bonus to health for each one you find. I believe they're all associated with other indie games that most people would recognize. Super Meat Boy, Spelunky, Fez and a few others I'm not familiar with myself. After that I'll probably give Costume Quest a try, but Far Cry 3 is calling my name....