In light of the forthcoming conclusion of Death of X with issue #4 coming out on Wednesday, Inhumans vs. X-Men to follow, and the news of an Inhuman Royal Family focused ongoing, Royals, this thread is created to serve as a discussion about how Marvel's two currently prominent human offshoot races, Inhumans and Mutants, relate with and impact each other, both in-universe and otherwise. This is done so as to limit the discussion of The Terrigen Mists: Incomparable Inhumans Appreciation thread exclusively to Inhumans (appreciation), and likewise for Inhumans exclusive news threads. Both Inhuman and Mutant/X-Men fans are encouraged to engage in discussions affecting both races while conforming to the Community Standards and Rules. One reminder: Avoid generalizing the other fanbase. Both Inhuman and Mutant fanbase run the gamut of devotion to their respective causes which sometimes manifests in the form of digs at the other side, some good-natured, others less so. Remember that we are all individuals and do not conform to a stereotype of "Inhuman fan" and "Mutant fan" while there are some who are fans of both. If you have any questions about what may be discussed in the Inhumans-only threads, let the Marvel mods know. I will keep this sticky until a few days after Death of X #4 comes out.

With that, I hope we can all come up with a productive discussion.