I read the first issue digitally and... dunno. The first Vol was one of my most anticipated titles, but it really dissapointed me. But, I think that has more to do with Ewing having to deal with Bendis' CWII. Now, from what I gather, he'll be headlining the main event, unless the HYDRA-Related one is the main, and his is the secondary. In either case, I think it won't be facing the same problems, and the last page intrigued me, so we'll see. Chavez is my least liked character from the roster, and I'd have much rathered Galactus or Adam, but eh, it doesn't bother me that much. Unless she starts that macho "y'all obey or I'll put a stick up your hineys faster than you can say wha-" talk. Nevertheless, I may give it a chance purely based on Galactus, Maker and "The Ultimate Universe".