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  1. #61
    Fantastic Member Tra-EL's Avatar
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    I know you're trying to find out where I hang my cape. YOU WON'T.


    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Kelly View Post
    But Earth-One--also Birthright, All-Star Superman, et al--is just one take on Superman and a limited run (and very expensive). An ongoing title could feature many different takes on Superman--and they could keep returning to these different concepts. In my head, it would be sort of like BATMAN: LEGENDS OF THE DARK KNIGHT--but instead of being semi-in-continuity, it would be totally non-continuity. It would give different creators a chance to get out of their system some approach to Superman that they always wanted to try--but without destroying the universe to get there. And if the idea proved itself there, then there'd be the option to make it legitimate.
    Ah, I see what you're saying. More in the lines of another "Adventures of Superman" title. Shocked that book wasn't ongoing to be honest.

  2. #62
    Fantastic Member Tra-EL's Avatar
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    I know you're trying to find out where I hang my cape. YOU WON'T.


    They should go the Freddy vs Jason vs Ash route and give all the fallen through Superman films either its own comic book or animation (Reeve's Superman V, Superman Lives, Superman Flyby, Superman Returns 2, etc.) That would be cool to see those vision's in any of those forms.

  3. #63
    Incredible Member Agniwolf's Avatar
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    the same rules apply otherwise, why is it wrong for superman to be omnivore? and the whole sun as food was never the oh so great thing, i find it even bs just for the sake of not eating anything, cause to eat one must kill (cause vegetables are living things too) and killing is evil, period, does not matter if it is a human or a ant, or a cow or a cockroach or a evil biological factor from another dimension

  4. #64
    Father Son Kamehameha < Kuwagaton's Avatar
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    The problem to me lies not in making him a vegetarian, but in Mark Waid's typically heavy handed style and tendency to comment on other Superman stories. Making him a vegetarian just seems like "he's not associated with killing nuh uh no way."

    Quote Originally Posted by Tra-EL View Post
    - Clark's powers should never be fully measured. There should be an unknown and untapped source of his powerset that will always be hidden and not calculated.
    The weird thing to me when it comes to his powers is that a lot of people say they shouldn't be measured and doesn't matter, but this argument usually seems to expand to "he should be really powerful, he's not powerful enough in this story." I think they shouldn't matter regardless. If you have a story to tell where he's underwater and running out of air trying to pull off a rescue or a story where he's escaping a black hole, go for it. Do what will lead you to your greatest effort in storytelling. Of course, working in continuity, it might help creators to be on the same page with certain things.

    - I am perfectly okay with Superman taking a backseat in power levels to any Justice League member, villain or in other medium's of comic books. As I said above, I always seem to read Superman's power levels as some sort of untapped potential.

    - When somebody asks "Who wins in a race? Superman or Flash?" the answer should always be Flash. Though Supes can give him a run for his money, the point of the Flash is irrelevant if Superman can beat him. Each hero brings their own identity and skills that make a difference. Supes may share those credentials with others, but the others shouldn't suffer as characters at Superman's expense.
    I like the ideas of Superman either making progress or hitting a different level depending on motivation. When he first raced Wally at the speed of sound, he struggled. Later on he was running alongside the Speed Force crew, if a little behind. Which is cool. I don't think anyone wants to read Superman being faster than the Flash or smarter than Batman etc. except for many Superman fans.

    -Clark Kent should know how to throw hands. I hate that every time he lose's his powers, he turns into an uneducated dweeb. That was one of the aspect's I loved most about Truth. Though the story was once again lackluster, it was good to see a powerless Clark Kent be able to brawl instead of cower.
    Pre and post crisis Clark had both proven to be very formidable. He even went out as a powerless Superman in a few post crisis stories. Meanwhile, I think Truth still had him at a low metahuman level.

    Quote Originally Posted by darkseidpwns View Post

    New 52 Superman era was almost entirely rubbish on every level and I'm glad it's over.
    I'm fine reading any version of Superman you give me, but I think 95% of everything after Morrison was quite bad. Like D- on a grading scale bad. I have to give his entire history a 1.7 GPA

    Quote Originally Posted by Tra-EL View Post
    Ah, I see what you're saying. More in the lines of another "Adventures of Superman" title. Shocked that book wasn't ongoing to be honest.
    It was. Unfortunately, no one seemed to care about an out of continuity series where hot creators from past and present teamed up to tell short stories about the power of the character.

  5. #65
    Extraordinary Member superduperman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clementine - The Worst Poster Ever View Post
    What was the initial reaction to 'Birthright' making Superman a vegetarian?

    From my time here on the forum it seems most people are either supportive of Superman being a vegetarian or are indifferent to it, but at the time it must have gotten a lot of backlash?
    From what I remember at the time, a lot of people lost their collective shit over it for some reason. Maybe it's a "Superman is a real man's man! Not some hippy!" type of thing. I think it's kind of stupid to get upset over a being that doesn't need to eat at all having any kind of dietary rules but whatever.
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  6. #66
    Extraordinary Member superduperman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tra-EL View Post
    Superman is coooler than Batman.

    Yeah, I said it.
    Well, hope you're not looking for a job with DC then!
    Assassinate Putin!

  7. #67
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    -There's nothing really great about Chris Reeve's Superman other than the fact that he looks the part. He was a great Clark Kent though.

    -If you have to dumb Superman down so Batman has something to do then it's time for the two heroes to go their separate ways. If they're only friends because they have something the other doesn't then they aren't friends, they met by chance pre-crisis and kicked it off well, it doesn't need to be anything more than that.

    -Human insecurity is the greatest obstacle to this franchise both within and outside of it.

    -The super-dickery moments added more humanity to Clark's character than any amount of farming or working at the daily planet ever could.

    -Had they actually used Welling instead of Routh, SR would have been even worse and grossed even less.

    -There was no point where Superman was lacking in "humanity" he's just put under extra scrutiny because of human insecurity.

    -If you're an everyman by choice you aren't an everyman

    -If and when the sales for Trinity start to collapse I'd say it's time to call it quits for the DC "trinity" they simply don't work that well that well together or really complement one another that much.

    -Byrne's History of Krypton was more interesting than his Man of Steel even if I didn't care for his rendition of Krypton ultimately.
    Last edited by The World; 12-02-2016 at 11:29 AM.
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  8. #68
    THE MARK OF MY DIGNITY Superlad93's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The World View Post
    they simply don't work that well that well together or really complement one another that much.
    I think this only becomes true when you treat them as their archetypes. If they are written as Clark, Bruce, and Di who also happen to be Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman then it works really well, imo. If you don't make it mini JLA then I think it works.

    This is why I greatly respect, and am impressed with what Manapul opted to do with the book. He even called it "Stand By Me meets superheroes." I think that's perfect for them as a unit.

  9. #69
    Fantastic Member Man_of_Tomorrow's Avatar
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    Get ready for some real controversy:

    I don't think Superman is the ultimate immigrant.

    He doesn't have any problems the actual immigrants have. He doesn't live in a world that hates him, exploits him or is being indifferent too him. He doesn't stand out among the crowd, he can easily blend in and live his life, he even looks like a healthy handsome man. And even when he is Superman, the public loves him. He is literally the champion of the earth and its people.

    Even in terms of culture, he is one of earth. At best, he is a second-gen immigrant, trying to just keep some connection to and honor the land he comes from and never lived in.

    Supergirl and Martian Manhunter both fit the role of immigrant better. Because the one is literally different enough that provokes a reaction in terms of appearance and the other has lived both worlds.

  10. #70
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    I don't think is this is a precisely controversal opinion, but I think Superman shouldn't be hard-rebooted anymore. At least for a long long time. Every reboot only damages the character further, it would be better if they let the character evolve from the current iteration.

  11. #71
    THE MARK OF MY DIGNITY Superlad93's Avatar
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    Let me start this off by saying I mean no harm or disrespect in anything I say. I respect that this is your opinion in a thread made for controversial opinions. I'm just very passionate about this idea, so I just ask that you indulge me a little.

    Quote Originally Posted by Man_of_Tomorrow View Post
    He doesn't have any problems the actual immigrants have. He doesn't live in a world that hates him, exploits him or is being indifferent too him. He doesn't stand out among the crowd, he can easily blend in and live his life, he even looks like a healthy handsome man.
    What you're describing is racism or other purely physical distinctions, and that's something that isn't intrinsic to being an immigrant. There are white immigrants who have an awful time adjusting to their new lives. They're talked down to because their ascents aren't "up to par." (seriously, screw anyone condescends people like this). Feeling aliened as an immigrant isn't a catch all situation. I'm not white, I'm first generation, I'm bilingual, and I eat foods that most of my friends can't even pronounce. Yet, I find myself having to literally convince people that my second culture is what it is, and that I'm very well versed in it. It's not something as simple as what you look like.

    And even when he is Superman, the public loves him. He is literally the champion of the earth and its people.
    The idea of being able to work, be appreciated, and respected as a contributing and welcomed member of your new country IS the immigrant dream. The idea that Superman can run around wearing his cultures traditional wear, utilize his natural talents, and stand accepted by people is a beautiful concept. It's idealized obviously, but then that's then so is he.

    Even in terms of culture, he is one of earth. At best, he is a second-gen immigrant, trying to just keep some connection to and honor the land he comes from and never lived in.
    Is there something wrong with that? I'm second gen and I've only visited my mother country for months at a time (much like how Clark would visit Kandor. One of the reasons I think it should always be around), but don't get it twisted, it's 100% a part of me. No one takes that from me, and the same should 100% be true for Clark. I identify as an American like does as an Earthling. Doesn't change anything.

    Supergirl and Martian Manhunter both fit the role of immigrant better. Because the one is literally different enough that provokes a reaction in terms of appearance and the other has lived both worlds.
    They fit two specifically different but in no way better "roles" for what an immigrant sometimes appears to be. Supergirl focuses specifically on culture shock and transition. MM deals with the physical differences that MAY be included. Superman deals with the idea of reconnecting and understanding your other half, and your roots. These are all incredibly valid takes. I don't agree with the idea of assuming that it has to be the first two takes to somehow be counted as "valid." It's like saying someone didn't "really" go to Africa because they didn't sleep in a hut or see a lion or something. That's western romanticizing.

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ascended View Post
    I actually think Superman's race should be hard to pin down. You might call him "white" but largely just because he's not obviously anything else.

    The biology of Kryptonians is different and their sun was a red giant. Their skin tones wouldnt be just like our's. Then again, really they wouldnt look anything like us at all, but we cant embrace science *that* much.
    Another idea I had long ago and I think a lot of other fans have had this one, too--is that Superman isn't "white." When he arrives on Earth, as the first contact he makes is with the Kents, he anticipates that and morphs into their form so when they see him in the space ship, he looks just like them so they will bond with him. If he had arrived in Africa or Asia, his body would have morphed to look like the people that found him there.

    But this is something to be tried out in the Imaginary comic book. I wouldn't force it on readers in the mainstream continuity.

    I don't imagine Kal-El looking so inhuman. He'd have blue skin, blue eyes, blue hair. Thus when he morphs from Clark to Superman, he looks a lot like the standard model of Superman, but with blue skin rather than a blue costume.

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Kelly View Post
    Another idea I had long ago and I think a lot of other fans have had this one, too--is that Superman isn't "white." When he arrives on Earth, as the first contact he makes is with the Kents, he anticipates that and morphs into their form so when they see him in the space ship, he looks just like them so they will bond with him. If he had arrived in Africa or Asia, his body would have morphed to look like the people that found him there.
    This is exactly the origin for Icon. Amazing series. If you've never read it I suggest hunting it down. I think there was talk of a trade collection but I dunno if that ever happened or not.
    "We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another, as if we were one single tribe."

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  14. #74
    Ultimate Member Ascended's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clementine - The Worst Poster Ever View Post
    What was the initial reaction to 'Birthright' making Superman a vegetarian?
    It got a fair amount of hate on the DC message boards. Of course, most things did. I dunno about here; I only came to CBR when the DCMB was shut down in 2012.

    I never really understood the issue with it. I eat my veggies like a good adult, but I'd die if I couldn't eat steak or bacon. But I have no issue with the idea of Clark being a vegetarian and think it makes sense given his unique sensory input. If I could see the electromagnetic pulses around living creatures I'd likely be a little put off by eating their lifeless dead carcass too. Fortunately Im just a mere mortal, so I can enjoy my steaks and pork chops and chicken without any guilt.
    "We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another, as if we were one single tribe."

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  15. #75
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    I bought all the Milestone first issues when they came out--but they were all in special plastic bags from the publisher and I didn't want to take them out, for fear of them losing their resale value. They're still in those bags--as are a bunch of Robin comics. Thus, I never read them.

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