I just finished Lois and Clark's miniseries and it said the multiverse was saved. Then all the pre-Zero Hour characters zip off to different times. Parallax shows up in Telos 5-6 before GL 50. The series follows Clark and Lois raising their son and Clark deciding to stop Hank Henshaw from turning into the Cyborg Superman. Henshaw comes back with new powers anyway, but then the timeline meets up with the modern continuity and...Coast City hasn't been destroyed?

Except everyone in Coast City in the Green Lantern book totally remembers it being destroyed. And Hal going Parallax. And there was even a Spectre image in one of those self-image flashbacks in Venditti's run. Hal still remembered that happening, apparently. (And why not? He dies ALL THE TIME. No wonder he's the Greatest Black Lantern Ever.)

Is everyone walking around in Hypertime bubbles, where Coast City people remember the destruction and rebuilding while new Superman is comfortably happy that he prevented it? Hal thinks everyone is just being really nice about not mentioning anything?

If there are recent non-Green Lantern issues where Hal or this is mentioned, I'd appreciate being directed that way.