That other thread got me thinking, even though it is possible for Egyptians/North Africans, Southern Europeans and or Middle Easterners to have her look, it wouldn't look typical of the regions her people are suppose to be from. And since it seems like people want "diversity" in comics and I guess since the Wonder Woman family is lacking in it, should her look be changed to fit more with her ancestry? Given what happened with Helena Bertinelli (I mean it was still possible for her to look like the way she looked before) and the current trend to make redheads become darker in the media, I think there would be a big backlash.

Personally, I don't care. People are very diverse and if Artemis' is suppose to be ME/NA or Southern Euro or has ancestry in all three, it would be nice to show that they're not depicting all of them as fitting a stereotypical image.