Why do we get dumb questions like this, it's already been answered 100 times, did you ignore those first 100 times, or are you starting a wank thread...

Fans don't give new characters a chance especially if the character is a female, minority or lgbt lead, there are actual comic shops who won't bother to order these comics, so Marvel being a smart company and knowing how close minded people are, have their legacy characters under the titles given to their OG characters, comic shops and fans then can't escape buying the big titles.

Also, is Riri not an Iron Man character ...then the Iron Man title is fine.

Also it's getting obvious that when Tony is revived they'll most likely share the book a la Hawkeye.

Quote Originally Posted by Marvel/DC Fan View Post
I was wondering when you would pull out the race card. Sorry, but teenage girl genius with the ghost of Tony Stark sidekick just isn't in my wheelhouse. You and I could probably go back and forth all day on this but we are going to just have to agree to disagree.
The race card isn't a thing, stop trivializing racism b/c a character you like that exists in all other forms of media is being put on the back burner in one.

The persecution complex has got to go.

Quote Originally Posted by Coal Tiger View Post
So you're saying she shouldn't exist as her own character, not riding the coat tails of an established hero?

Is it racist to buy a comic called "Invincible Iron Man" and expect to see that guy from the Iron Man movies in it?
Did you read what was written, they didn't say that that Riri wasn't her own character and that she was riding the coat tails of Tony, nor did they accuse anyone wanting to read about Tony a racist ...like the reach, this isn't Space Jam and you're not Michael Jordan, you can stop.

If you're a comic fan then you should be aware of the changes to the book, and the general audience isn't as dumb as fans online like to believe, if they want to read about about Iron Man and sees a black female teen, they'll either ask the comic shop owner who should point them into the right direction, or they'll figure out that there is more than one Iron Man character.

Also there are what 7 billion people in this world, and when Marvel announced Riri the article garnered 2 billion views, yeah I think you don't have to worry about people not knowing, quite a hefty sum of people are aware, and they say thanks for your concern but they're big boys and girls.