Quote Originally Posted by Rakiduam View Post
Wow. You don't even need him to be a half decent actor? By the way, have you ever see him act?
So this was about acting skills? Interpreted your post wrong then.

El Nińo, yes. And I liked him good enough. Compared to other suggestions for the role I have seen if only looking at acting skills, though as we know appearance is so important to comic book fans even if not as much to WB, he might not be the best choice but he is a choice. Though I have to say, the suggesstions made who do have the - in my opinion - good acting skills are all around their thirties to fourthies. So a young actor? So far they are all seem mediocre to me. The thing is the nightwing movie is if it really comes years, so all of them have time to improve.

Do you have a young actor in mind who performes so well, that you would say: "This is it"?