With Tony back, we might either see a relaunched Iron Man run with him in it or Bendis just reduces him to a supporting role in the current Iron Man books, though I don't think that's ideal.

It seems like Peter Parker is going to finally be losing his company during Secret Empire, thanks to Doc Ock's machinations, so we'll have a relatively classic Spider-Man going into Make Mine Marvel.

Aaron will probably keep his Thor storyline going uninterrupted from events. Thor Odinson might get his own book soon or take back the flagship around the time of Ragnarok's release.

I feel like there'll be a big roster shakeup for most of the big teams, and we'll see either new groups rise out of Secret Empire or fade out at it's conclusion (and because of low sales).

We might get some spontaneous resurrections thanks to Kobik by the end of the event, maybe undoing Rhodey and Banner's deaths.

Hank Pym will still be dead because Marvel probably cares more for Ultron using his face then they do the actual Hank Pym.

Marvel will do...something with Dr. Strange. Probably something wacky and that has no basis in the character's history or just outright replace him.

Carol Danvers and Clint Barton will seem redeemed after Civil War II and writers will just try and sweep under the rug everything that happened during that event.

Black Cat will probably still be a Queenpin because no one at Marvel seems interested in redeeming Felicia Hardy's character anymore.

We'll get news of the next major mid-season event that will tide people over, alongside a few smaller family events and crossovers, until we hit the next summer event. Rinse and repeat.