Are their any characters or teams people would like to see happen after Secret Empire ends, that really happen as the fall out of it like a character rethinking things, or a group of heroes who see the need to come together.

Example Quick Silver: After all the hidden truths and the heroes being taken by surprise, he believes that things need to be rechecked, specifically the High Evolutionary's experiments. With his book mains focus him finding those Experimented on/created by him. This would be an easy way to create a Rogues gallery, another thing the book would do is spot-light/honour the Speedsters of the Marvel universe, and would actually do something with the other retcon he and his sister got about not being Mutants (with the Scarlet Witch having dove into the first retcon in her book about them not being Magneto's kids, which honestly I feel weird when people get angry at that one) .