I've seen this discussed several times in different forms, so I thought I'd try and visually recreate the concept to spur discussion.

The best thing about our beloved comic book characters is that they feel like real people. They have distinct voices, but also have different sides to them that can be accentuated at different times and in different contexts. I find that sometimes, it's hard to pinpoint and easily explain personalities as human and well-rounded as Barry and Wally's. This leads to some misconceptions, misunderstandings, and disagreements as to when certain behavior is associated with one or the other. So I made this graphic:

What do you guys think? Accurate or not? What would you add or change?

One I couldn't easily fit in between them is a very straight-forward right and wrong morality. That one's debatable and worth exploring more but I think of all the main heroes on the League, the Flashes are the ones who probably spent the least amount of time mulling over what the right thing to do is or the "bigger picture". They just do what they feel is right fairly instinctually. Would love to hear people's opinions on that as well.