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  1. #1
    Incredible Member Plawsky's Avatar
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    Default Reading the Ultimate Universe from the beginning!

    If you were around at the old boards, you'll remember this one. It's time to bring it back.

    On October 25, 2010 - I started a quest to read through the entire Ultimate Universe from the beginning. Several people joined me, and we spent the next year reading what was then every Ultimate book ever published. At that time, that covered everything from Ultimate Spider-man #1 through Ultimate Fallout and the Death of Spider-man. Through the next two years, the reviews continued, albeit at a much slower rate.

    Somehow, the thread - my crazy project - was a huge hit. With over 2000 replies and 173,000 views, it was by far the largest and longest lasting thread on the relatively small Ultimate Marvel Forums. I was touched every time someone came into the thread and said it helped get them into Ultimate Comics, and I think it's time that we continue helping people get into these books that we're big fans of.

    Don't worry, I'm not planning to do it all over again. That would be insane. I'm starting where we left off (well, a bit before we left off, actually) at the Post-Death of Spider-man Ultimate Universe. The pace will be slower this time, but eventually we'll catch up to the present day. Once we get caught up, I may start posting old reviews - I still have them all saved - because I'd love all those to be available. But there's no way I'd be able to convince myself to actually start from the beginning again. And to all the naysayers who are thinking (or even hoping) that the Ultimate Universe will die soon: maybe it will, but it will live on in these stories.

    This thread was one of the things that saved our small community from a repetitive cycle of whining about Ultimatum, and I think this can help us stay positive amidst worries and rumors of cancellation.

    So here are the ground rules as I laid them out nearly four years ago:

    1) I'm following the order laid out in this reading order post. However, I may diverge from that plan at times, so just look at the "UP NEXT" teaser at the bottom of each review.
    2) I probably won't be doing more than a few reviews per month. Not only will this give us all time to read, but time to discuss and - hopefully - time for other people to post their own reviews if they feel so inclined.
    3) Let's try to keep discussions about the books that have already been covered. Additionally, please keep spoilers to a minimum. Not about the stories we're discussing, those spoilers are fair game, but future books. As this thread as shown in the past, new readers WILL be joining us, and I don't want anything ruined for them. I understand some may just slip out (after all, some of these are 10 years old), but just be careful.
    4) Try not to let feuds and arguments from other threads creep into this one. Keep the discussions here about the books we're talking about.
    5) I'm going to give each book an arbitrary rating. They won't stay consistent, but oh well.
    6) Have fun!

  2. #2
    Incredible Member Plawsky's Avatar
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    There’s no new Ultimate book today, so I figured today would be the perfect time to start!

    Ultimate Spider-man (v3) - Who is Miles Morales? (Issues #1-5)
    My Rating: 8.5/10

    If you can remember back to 2011, there was no Marvel news more controversial or buzz worthy than the death of Peter Parker and introduction of Miles Morales. Bendis had done the unthinkable: killed off Peter Parker - THE Spider-man - ending a 160+ issue story in what is undoubtedly one of the best and most notable comic runs in history. So you can count me in the group of fans that was hesitant to see one of his favorite characters replaced by a newcomer. However, with Hickman taking over the Ultimates, I would have been fine with anything in the rest of the UU.

    But enough of a history flashback, let’s look at this book.

    Bendis had quite a challenge here, mostly to fulfill two major tasks with the new Spidey’s origin story:

    1) Establish Miles Morales as his own character, worthy of the classic mantle
    2) Honor the memory of Peter Parker, paying respect to the character that spent a decade as this book’s lead character

    1) The first point was probably more important at the time, at least for me. “Ok - Peter’s dead. Fine. But it better be worth it.” That was my sentiment, the same it has been when countless other comic book characters are killed off or pushed aside for replacements. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.

    Here, it works. These first few issues really set up Miles well. Bendis gives him a great background to make him different from Peter and builds the character’s world very effectively. The supporting cast might not be on Peter’s level, but it’s solid, and Ganke is one hell of a sidekick. His family dynamic is unique to the Spider-man mythos, when it would have been easy to make him parentless or some other typical trope.

    2) The second task, however, was executed a bit sloppier here. The origin starts off well - the direct homage to Peter’s origin stories was mostly fantastic. And setting the story back in time was effective, though putting Miles at the Parker house when Peter died was a bit too on the nose and cheesy. Bringing in Spider-woman was also a perfect way to use the book’s history to bring in the new Spider-man.

    However, the final issue ruined it for me. Miles was able to single handedly take down Electro - almost by accident - despite having no experience or training. He did in seconds what the Ultimates and SHIELD had just failed at. Electro was a character that made quick work of Peter in his first appearance (USM #10), and he was weaker back then. Writing Miles so he quickly took down a heavy hitter that even Iron Man couldn’t handle just feels lazy. I’m fine with Miles being a legit replacement for Peter, but there are better ways to earn that role.

    Now, outside of the two tasks that Bendis needed to accomplish, there’s still a good deal of great writing. The characters are fantastic here, and the dialogue is great, very little Bendis-speak (though it’s there at times). And the pacing is surprisingly quick for Bendis, with a full origin story told in just 5 issues.

    And let’s not forget Sara Pichelli. After a few fill-in issues during the past volume, she takes over full time here and knocks it out of the park. Her character designs are outstanding, the action is fluid, the emotions are engaging, and everything has that great clean look to it. She proves here, once again, that she’s an outstanding artist, and joins the Ultimate crew as one of my favorite Spider-man artists ever.

    Despite some complaints about how easy Miles has it, this book is a great start to the new volume. Peter Parker, Jeph Loeb, and Mark Millar are all in the past - the Ultimate Universe is moving forward, and things are looking good.

    Up Next: Ultimates - The Republic is Burning (Issues #1-4)

  3. #3
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    I really enjoye that cover of Miles Morales, it's so good of an costume and Sara Pichelli's art is a blast to look at. I don't really remember anything from the 1st arc, i feel Miles vs. Kangaroo (from Ultimate Fallout) is much more memorable than Electro fight.

  4. #4
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    Had a quick look back over the first Miles arc quite recently, and it struck me just how much I missed Pichelli's work on the book. Her style is quite similar to Marquez', but I get a greater sense of energy from it. One thing I've noticed is that she rarely shows her subjects from a horizontal viewpoint, which Marquez does pretty frequently. Not that I have anything against Marquez' work, but I find Pichelli's superior.

  5. #5
    Awesome #1 a0040pc's Avatar
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    I'm doing my own big Ultimate Marvel read through blog in a couple of years. I am only for tpbs away from having the entire Ultimate Marvel line. It does help that I have bought every Ultimate Marvel comic (standard issues) from 2006 to today.
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  6. #6
    The Best There Is Wolverine12's Avatar
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    This needs to be a sticky, so that happened. Plawsky I'm disappointed that you didn't give me advanced notice so that I could pull out these issues and join in. Now I have to read this tonight and possibly wait to comment until tomorrow. Such a burden
    You brought back Wolverine

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  7. #7
    Incredible Member Plawsky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolverine12 View Post
    This needs to be a sticky, so that happened. Plawsky I'm disappointed that you didn't give me advanced notice so that I could pull out these issues and join in. Now I have to read this tonight and possibly wait to comment until tomorrow. Such a burden
    Well I guess 4 years of telling me it should be stickied have finally paid off now that you've been given the permission to do so.

    I thought about telling you, but aren't surprises fun? Besides, as I said - I'm no longer the spry, young college student I once was. No more 3 reviews a week for months on end. As much as I would love to do that again - and really, I would - there's just no way in hell. So don't worry, you've got time to catch up. You were there with me from day one last time, no way I'd leave you behind.

  8. #8
    The Best There Is Wolverine12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Plawsky View Post
    Well I guess 4 years of telling me it should be stickied have finally paid off now that you've been given the permission to do so.

    I thought about telling you, but aren't surprises fun? Besides, as I said - I'm no longer the spry, young college student I once was. No more 3 reviews a week for months on end. As much as I would love to do that again - and really, I would - there's just no way in hell. So don't worry, you've got time to catch up. You were there with me from day one last time, no way I'd leave you behind.
    I know what you mean, I feel like I hardly ever have time to just sit and read anything anymore.
    You brought back Wolverine

    The CBR Community Standards a.k.a how to get along.

  9. #9


    Jumping on this train too! Re-read the first Miles trade yesterday and the artwork really is spectacular huh. Love Gwen's haircut and fashion sense; still includes a touch of that old goth/alternative look but less pronounced. Also pages like that conversation Miles and his father have on the bench, with the parent and her kids behind them, just gorgeous stuff. Sure the action looks neat, but those character moments are very important too. Oh and the moment where the Prowler takes that little red box/cube out of the vault? When you see the contours of his smile through the fabric? Maaaaaannnnnnn, Piichelli was SUCH a find for this series.

    Speaking of that red box/cube, has it returned yet? (Haven't read Cataclysm yet so it could be in there...) Because they make quite a big deal out of it and yeah I don't remember it surfacing again, so far...
    Another thing I didn't catch the first time, right at the beginning of issue #2 (I think?), two movers are walking a huge flatscreen tv into a building. And one of them talks about how someone "judgded a book without even reading it!" or something like that. That made me laugh, preeeettty sure that was a lil' jab at the (sometimes racist) critics that attacked this series back then!

    I agree with Plawsky's criticism above, Miles seeing Pete's death did kinda annoy me. I think they were going for a kind of "you didn't stop it when you could have" angle, but since it never really comes up again in the series (no mentions of Miles feeling 'guilty' or something, as far as I remember) it just felt pretty cheap and cheesy. Also at this point I felt that Miles might be a little overpowered, the venom sting seems to take out everyone right now which both makes the fights a little repetitive but also seem to easy. As a compensation I guess that Miles doesn't have webshooters, but that's only a matter of time.

    Solid comics though! I pretty much agree with an 8.5/10 rating. Ultimate Fallout #4 deserves special mention in my opinion, that was very well-executed, a real tearjerker. That one I'll give a 9.5.
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  10. #10
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    I loved the idea of reading the Ultimate Universe from the beginning the first time round, but I missed it. I'm glad to see this brilliant idea is back up again.

    For the first six issues, I thought Ultimate Spider-Man did a stellar job of introducing the characters and the world Miles Morales lived in. Giving Miles a full family and a dodgy Uncle was the complete opposite of Peter, Bendis obviously going the antithesis to hammer in that he is completely different, and Bendis managed to make it work. Also, the school lottery scene was perfection - it was a great metaphor for powers, and the panels with the children that didn't get in really hit home for me and I loved how Miles' dad wasn't always a good guy and he hated supers. Bendis made clear Miles was not Peter Parker mark two. However, with the powers, that went a bit too far and I agree that the venom sting is way too overpowered for a fledgling superhero and he hardly ever uses his camo abilities.

    I was really hoping that Bendis would live up his promise that Peter's death would be Miles' Uncle Ben moment, but as the other criticism has pointed out, Miles was just a bystander and it didn't affect him that much. Maybe, and I'm not sure this would work in execution, it would have been good to see Miles being directly involved with the death of Peter Parker. I would have liked to have seen the "could I have saved him?" guilt. It might have been a bit cheesy, but shoehorning in Peter's death with no real meaning to it just wasn't enough. Miles grabbing something to take out the Green Goblin, but stuttering and being afraid, which sort of leads Peter's death would have worked better. The guilt is integral to Peter, so I can see why Bendis wouldn't have wanted to have included it for Miles.

    Bendis did answer Who is Miles Morales? very well. For an opening arc, he managed to create a new character that could carry the Spider-Man legacy, and Miles didn't feel like a shoe-in replacement for Peter, like Jimmy does for Wolverine. Miles had his own character, his own personality and his own backstory, so different from Peter's, although he didn't need the extra powers. Not a lot happened, but it should have meant that future arcs could have more plot, now that the character development had gotten out of the way ...

  11. #11
    The Best There Is Wolverine12's Avatar
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    I finally set aside some time to revisit Miles first five issues today. I must say that having just finished reading them I feel pretty much exactly the same as I did when they first came out, and it's a bit disappointed. I will say that now that some time has passed between the DoSM and me reading these issues I didn't feel as frustrated as I did with how much Bendis props up Miles in the wake of Peter's death but I do still feel he loads up Miles and puts him over unnecessarily. I think Bendis gave Miles too much power with his power set, and I really don't like how he has Miles take out Electro while the Ultimates are easily dispatched.

    I really didn't like how Miles was present at Peter's house when he died and then again when the funeral happened. Maybe it was always planned to be that way from the day they knew Peter was dying but it came across as Bendis trying to force me to feel badly for Miles. I never thought it worked for Miles' "Uncle Ben" moment and I still don't think it does. That moment does happen later, but in the interest of being spoiler free I won't mention it.

    One thing that is very clear is Miles is not the same type of person as Peter. He is shy, timid and very unsure of himself. For me that isn't something I find interesting to read about. I do appreciate a character growing and maturing but Miles was in the spotlight from day one so it was a no win situation. There is no way a 13 year old kid will be prepared to be a super hero or even be able to adapt to it quickly, so either Bendis can have him be an immediate bad ass and have it seem unnatural, or he can play the long game and really grow him as a person. Bendis opted for immediate bad ass for the first few issues. As said before we have Miles taking out a very powerful villain that just wiped the floor with the Ultimates and Shield while not that long ago we had a lot of lamenting from Miles about how he doesn't want this, and he should have been there for Peter and how he just wants to be normal. I think it would have worked a bit better if Miles didn't bail out the Ultimates in his second outing, and maybe just helped Spider-Woman stop a bank robbery or something. During his time out of the costume Miles still tends to be hesitant about his powers even though he is being established as a pretty heavy hitter to the readers. It just sent mixed signals and it still does.

    The best part of these issues is easily the art. Pichelli is an amazing talent and her talents are beautifully showcased in the books. I'm not sure if she designed Miles costume but it is a spectacular design. I think her work really helped keep me going with Miles because the first time around I didn't have much reason to keep reading (other than I want to own every Ultimate title that gets published )
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  12. #12
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    What was badass about Miles first fight? He got thrown into a pizza place.

  13. #13
    The Best There Is Wolverine12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wyokid View Post
    What was badass about Miles first fight? He got thrown into a pizza place.
    That scene did not take place in these issues.
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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolverine12 View Post
    That scene did not take place in these issues.
    Yes it did. We see Miles go out and then the paper the next day.

  15. #15
    All-New Member Thom's Avatar
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    The fight between Miles in the bad costume and Kangaroo actually happens in Ultimate Fallout #4. It's referenced in the newspaper in these issues.

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