I wanted to share 3 episodes from the various web series I write and direct. I run a youtube station called "The Gootzaverse" and in it I have 5 different web series that all interconnect kind of like the DCU or the Marvel Universe. We tackle a lot of different subjects on my show but we do do a lot of comic book humor. I was recently re-reading Silver Age Supergirl when I became fascinated by the Comet story line and how (at least in action comics) they never resolved it. So I did an episode parodying it called "Supergirl Loves Her Horse":


Then I kinda got annoyed at how bad they portrayed Caitlin Fairchild in the New 52 so I did an episode called "When DC Comics Attack". In this one DC tries to bring Supergirl back into the DCU and I make fun of how they treat women. Again alot of comic book humor:


Then I decided to wrap up the Supergirl story line and set up some new villains as major threats so I did an episode called "Supergirl's Last Stand". This one is more action oriented but everyone has said the actress that plays Supergirl in this one is the best one by far:


I also have several other episodes with a ton of comic book related humor but I wanted to share these first because I think they maybe of high interest to comic fans due to the humor. Hope you guys like it, we all worked really hard on it!