Hey guys, sorry if this is a repeat....didn't see it anywhere!

Anyways, wondering if any of you guys could help a guy out!? Just got the issue, and before I read it...wondering if there's anything I need to read before it? I'm caught up on the Forever Evil saga....so would I be lost reading this?! Or is there something I need to read before this that isn't the main saga?!

Thanks a ton in advance....love this site! Not many places a geek can go to discuss comix! lol Hell, after many years...I've slowly gone down to only one friend that reads...and sadly....he's a TPB reader! lol So him and I only have a ting in common....about every other 6 months! lol

Thanks guys!

Also...any discussion on your opinions of FE would be awesome! I love discussing it, so that would be great if any other talk in this thread could be read!