A while back, I read the first printing of vol 5 of Hellblazer (Dangerous Habits), and I really enjoyed it. Now in the last couple months i've been buying a lot of graphic novels and picked up the first 8 books in the newer printing. I love where the series goes from the Garth Ennis run and I am anxious to get their at vol 5, but I seem to get bored with most of what is going on in the earlier books. I thought book 1 was good but didn't serve much to the actual story, more of just a collection of Constantine issues. However when I got to book 2, I really enjoyed the dark and weird tone in the first few issues, but I started to dread the issues following (about half way through). I looked it up and the rest of the book didn't seem to connect much to the continuation of the Hellblazer story, so I tossed in the towel and didn't finish the rest. Unfortunately, the reviews for books 3 and 4 seem to reflect a similar pattern and I would like to enjoy reading about such a great character. It would be helpful if anyone could give me pointers on if there are any filler / bad issues in book 3 (The Fear Machine) and book 4 (The Family Man) that I could skip over without missing any important details.