Quote Originally Posted by Confuzzled View Post
Maybe instead of OP-ing her, they could've leaned into Ivy's scientific genius like in her mini and created a gang of plant mutants. They could also have homeless orphans working for her whom she provided sanctuary to after their homes were taken away by the industrialists' misdeeds. I think morality wise it would have been really interesting to see the Squad stuck between sympathising with a grey-shaded Ivy and her orphans and being forced to defeat them to save corrupt industrialists who financially benefited Waller and her operations. That would have also allowed Harley and Ivy to connect with each other and reach a compromise of some sorts.

Any which way, Enchantress was the worst pick for a Squad villain. Not only was she too OP but now with the Squad defeating a supernatural threat, what is Justice League Dark's niche and purpose as a team going to be?
It's not like the Squad will only handle supernatural threats. Hell, characters like Superman and Batman have dealt with those despite being sci fi/crime noir characters primarily.