Quote Originally Posted by the illustrious mr. kenway View Post
tbh does Damian and jon even have a generation? its just really them and a few stragglers like maya aka nobody.
Add in Kathy, Baka, Maxine Baker, Emiko, Kid Amazo's technopath sister Sarah, and Jon's neosapian cousin Susie. But as a whole I'm sure the main idea will be to build that generation from scratch. And as Ascended says, I could see them adding in people like Nu Wally or even Pre-52 Wally's kids (though I don't read Titans so I have no way of knowing how feasible that is).

The way I'm envisioning it is having Kon's generation act as the student mentors of Jon's generation on one big Young Justice team ala the show. It's sort of become part of Damian's catchphrase to call his Teen Titans "the Justice League of tomorrow," but that's not what the Teen Titans are really about, and I think the rumored merger will squash Damian's dreams for them in that regard. But, Young Justice was sort of founded on the idea that one day those three kids would have to fill the biggest shoes imaginable. So I'd imagine that's more Damian's speed.

I'm half expecting the merged Titans book to open with an arc about Damian feeling like he's being edged out of his own team.