I've been doing a Union Jack (Joey Chapman) readathon. Started off with the first appearance in Captain America #253-254 in the Marvel Universe by John Byrne Omnibus. Quite enjoyable. Also included in the back of the Omnibus are 6 never-before-published pages by Byrne which also include Union Jack and Spitfire. These would have been part of the never-completed 10th Cap issue by Roger Stern and Byrne. I'd read the two Knights of Pendragon runs previously where we see a souped-up Union Jack with powers from the Pendragon. Also key is Namor, The Sub-Mariner #12 in which, amongst others we see Spitfire regaining her youth due to a further blood transfusion from Jim Hammond. After this I reread the Union Jack (1998) TPB by Ben Raab & John Cassaday which is pretty good. I also read Avengers (1998) #82-84 which leads into the short-lived New Invaders (2004) run by Allan Jacobsen, C.P. Smith and Chris Walker which was absolutely terrible in all areas - dialogue, art and colours. Just awful stuff, no wonder the series got canned. The art reminded me of those photo stories in my sister's teen mags from my childhood.

Next I read Captain America (2005) #3 and currently enjoying reading #18-21 from the Captain America by Brubaker, Epting & Perkins Omnibus. Coming up will be the Union Jack (2006) mini-series by Christos Cage and Mike Perkins.