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  1. #1
    Incredible Member Victorian_Soul's Avatar
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    Default Your Favorite X-Men in Big Brother

    I was watching Big Brother the other day and I thought to myself what how would the X-Men handle being in the show (I'm also bored). If you don't know what Big Brother is then allow me to explain it's a reality TV show being filmed and watched during summer right now. It's known for live feeds (cameras documenting the players 24/7) and it's three episodes a week with Sunday being the live eviction. The rules of the show are simply:
    •18 people move into the house and try to win 500,000.
    •They compete in various challenges to win HoH (Head of Household) allowing them to choose to nominees to be evicted.
    •Then the HoH, nominees, and five others (who are randomly selected) play in PoV (Power of Veto) allowing who ever wins to take one of the nominees off the block (forcing the HoH to choose a new one) or no one at all.
    •Then come Sunday when everyone votes besides the HoH (only in the event of a tie) to see who leaves the house.
    •The five constant that don't make it towards the final two are sent to a hurt house they compete to see who returns until someone else gets sent in there place and soon a eight people occupy the house.
    •The jury are also meant to vote on who wins the show meaning if they like you then congratulations.

    There is usually two was of playing the game in order to win which is a social game (friendship with everyone causing no one to try and get you out) or a being a comp beast (physically dominating ad threatening so people side with you out of fear). There are also people who enter alliances (groups to keep each other safe and get out a threat to there safety), showmances (those who become a couple during the show), and sometimes floaters (usually in alliances and do nothing to help out besides be someone's sheep). The tends to be very psychologically with how people react to being in it for months with no outside contact besides a few notes and gifts from your family (only win winning HoH) and a diary room (confessional to air what you really think) as a way of releasing emotional turmoil. So I wander how would you think your favorite X-Men would handle the pressure of being in the house.

    For me I think Jean would do fairly fine from a social stand point and probably enter a showmance or two. She'd probably only make beef with Emma causing her let loose that temper without attacking the woman (assualt isn't allowed and causes instant eviction). She'd probably make it to hurt if not the final two. I believe she'd be integral to many alliances and would stay safe till five or four people are left. How do you think your favorite will handle being in the house.

  2. #2
    Extraordinary Member Crimz's Avatar
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    Storm - A confident woman who would not censor herself and tell the others exactly what she thinks. This personality would be entertaining at the beginning as the others may find it abrasive and that's fun to watch, but eventually the public would find her abrasive too and vote her out. Likely will be gone 3 weeks in.

    Nightcrawler - One of the nicest housemates who gets along with everyone. Will be on of the ones that will last a while in the house, but because he is so nice and drama free the audience may find him boring. That would keep him off the radar of elimination as people may forget he's even there. He will probably last long in the house, but wouldn't partake in the manipulations necessary to win.
    Last edited by Crimz; 08-06-2017 at 03:36 PM.
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  3. #3
    Fantastic Member Xargukon's Avatar
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    Cypher - He'd actually do pretty great in this setting, with no dangerous combat situations and the ability to use his power to read's the body language and emotions of people in social situations applicable at all times; he'd go pretty great in the day to day life of the house.
    He might not win against the other X-men in certain challenges, but his power gives him an advantage over his opponents, rather than the specific situation, so he'd go at least okay at most challenges.
    He'd definitely end up in a showmance as Doug has been in a crazy about of different romantic involvements in his relatively small amount of appearances . He'd likely make alliances with those he already knew well and goes into the house with no real beefs with any of the other X-Men.

  4. #4
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    I'd say Nightcrawler is the most likely to win especially that he is very kind and religious.

    As for Storm, hmmm, she can win but people thinking she was a princess or a queen, would make them think she doesnt need the money prize.

    Beak also has a huge chance to win

  5. #5
    Certified Claremazon-stan Nabu's Avatar
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    Interesting premise for a thread! I don't watch Big Brother so I can't comment, but out of all these reality shows, I would say X-men is the best suited for either Survivor or Amazing Race.

    In such case, I'd love a Heroes v. Villains themed season, with Emma, Mystique, Archangel, Sabretooth, Frenzy, Spiral, Mastermind, Apocalypse in one tribe against Wolverine, Psylocke, Rogue, Storm, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Iceman, Kitty.

    Emma would definitely try to emulate Parvati's strategy, Apocalypse would be Russell. As for Jeff Probst, I can see a more wickedly version in Mojo. Or some reality warper.

  6. #6
    Fantastic Member Xargukon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nabu View Post
    Interesting premise for a thread! I don't watch Big Brother so I can't comment, but out of all these reality shows, I would say X-men is the best suited for either Survivor or Amazing Race.

    In such case, I'd love a Heroes v. Villains themed season, with Emma, Mystique, Archangel, Sabretooth, Frenzy, Spiral, Mastermind, Apocalypse in one tribe against Wolverine, Psylocke, Rogue, Storm, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Iceman, Kitty.

    Emma would definitely try to emulate Parvati's strategy, Apocalypse would be Russell. As for Jeff Probst, I can see a more wickedly version in Mojo. Or some reality warper.
    I mean this is just dying for a Arcade/Mojo Team-up.
    Gameshow meets reality TV.

    They're all kidnapped and trapped in a simulated replica version of Utopia as the Island.
    Don't even need to have Heroes vs Villians, just have all of the surviving Utopia Mutants divided into arbitrary tribes. And have the Immunity challenges involve actual deaths for first tribes/players to lose.

  7. #7
    Post Editing OCD Confuzzled's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nabu View Post
    Emma would definitely try to emulate Parvati's strategy, Apocalypse would be Russell. As for Jeff Probst, I can see a more wickedly version in Mojo. Or some reality warper.
    Probst is also slightly misogynistic and worships "alpha males" so yeah, Mojo would be perfect.

    My boo Dazzler = Colleen Haskell from Borneo. Has no idea what she is doing but just there to enjoy life to its fullest. And last to be eliminated from her team because of her cheery attitude and non-threatening nature. Ali fared much better in her later showbiz career than Colleen of course.

  8. #8
    Incredible Member autbey's Avatar
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    Polaris: This cramped setting would make her a little nuts and she would cause tons of drama and everyone would hate her. The producers would rig competitions for her because her antics bring in the ratings.

  9. #9
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    X-23 would approach the challenges with ruthless efficiency. However she'd likely fare poorly on the social front, (especially if this is pre-development Laura) and would be willing to sacrifice herself if it became necessary for the good of the rest of the team.

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